Thirty five years ago this LSE-CM/ISS notion might have been considered the most leading edge of rocket science, though not hardly of science fiction nor even science future of today because, we'd supposedly been there and sort of done that, and you might as well checkout other forums such as their, and even the Dick Cheney forum of http://paradoxicitis.proboardscom27./index.cgi if you'd care being further snookered into their collective. In fact, I'll provide an entire list of perfectly qualified science and physics related forums if you're so impressed by the degree of smoke and mirrors being employed by the mainstream status quo because, it's interesting as to how they've accepted upon a sole source of information as being the truth and nothing but the truth, even though the laws of physics simply isn't there to behold (interesting how greed and money sort of does that). Perhaps "cold-fusion" should have been invented and/or discovered on the moon, of which He3 is almost like cold-fusion, as all we have to do return such stuff to Earth and we're energy home-free.
The reason why I've stipulated that it's not of actual rocket science anymore is because, once the LSE has been established there's few if any rockets involved, other than a few EMPD thrusters as for slight maneuverings and/or elevator speed boosting, as those elevator pods would probably be of electro-mechanical drives, or possibly electromagnetic impulse alternatives plus the notion of utilizing a final ION or EMPD sort of thruster boost that's fueled along by He3, and I believe that's of more fusion reactor potential than not. The notion of utilizing actual fuel and oxidisers such as H2O2 plus a little C12h26 isn't out of the question, however the need for importing such fuel may soon after become obsolete.
The LSE-CM/ISS topic is certainly not science fiction because, all of the necessary elements and structural attributes, as well as necessary laws of physics that existed way back in them good old Apollo fly-by-wire days, those factors existed as they do today. Even the terrific composites of utilizing silica and basalt are of relatively old physics, and of the necessary binders that'll take whatever the environment has to offer have recently been greatly improved upon to a point of far exceeding the demand.
It's not science future because, those very same arguments on behalf of the already funded ESE(Earth Space Elevator) fiasco have also been using the same laws of physics that existed 100+ years ago on behalf of supporting their arguments, which apply equally though as for being so much more doable towards making the LSE into a reality.
"Harley Thronson, director of technology and senior science lead for NExT, said the semi-stable L1 Gateway offers a number of attractive capabilities. For one, returning back to Earth in a hurry due to an emergency is possible. But it can also be the first step on the way to putting people elsewhere and sending them to even more distant places, he said. Many tasks would be automated."
Thereby, this LSE quest isn't so much about our having to reinvent the wheel that's recently been firmly attached to a few too many of those existing stealth WMD donkey-carts (probably of those very same stealth donkey-carts that also managed to haul away and effectively hide all those much larger and far nastier WMD that only our resident warlord can see).
LSE Construction phase is a bit testy, but doable
A method of constructing the LSE base camp or elevator lobby isn't nearly as difficult as you'd imagine. A staging position situated roughly 84% of the distance from Earth, or that of slightly less than 16% of the distance (58,500 km) from the moon is where items of nearly any size and/or mass could be efficiently and calmly collected, and since there's no atmosphere and as per them Apollo missions not even a freaking dust-bunny ever arriving, subsequently all things can be easily and safely lowered via deployed tether all of the way down to the lunar surface. By way of adjusting the altitude of the working platform is what keeps the entire process in essentially a mode of neutural status regardless of whatever is being lowered to the lunar surface. Thus once the working outpost is on station and being continually re-supplied from Earth, from that point on there's not much energy being consumed (perhaps at most 1 kw/t lowered to the surface), and again because of the Apollo missions, apparently even shielding from solar/cosmic and secondary radiation is a "walk in the park", at least a Kodak moment sort of park.
As whatever is being lowered down to the lunar surface transpires, a counter mass is tether deployed towards Earth, and/or the entire staging platform is utilized as the counter mass and thereby gradually moved towards Earth, thus the overall balance or gravity-well null (ME-L1) as for the staging and deployment platform is easily maintained. This process represents that large spheres of frozen H2O2 can be robotically transferred from Earth to the ME-L1, then robotically lowered to the lunar surface, whereas whatever size, shape and mass becomes of absolutely no concern, and obviously there's no decent rocket phase nor any other compromises other than radiation and of running into nasty stuff.
Accomplishing this task during a time of earthshine is certainly best for delivering that sphere of frozen H2O2, as well as for the likelihood of some crew member being involved, as the earthshine environment of working the moon isn't sharing 1% the direct influx and at most not 10% of the direct plus indirect/secondary associated radiation of otherwise being fully solar illuminated and surface TBI to death like those fearless Apollo missions.
Once those frozen energy spheres of H2O2 and a few others of C12H26 and of still other containers of various construction items and even a pod or two of whomever is personally involved gets lowered to the lunar surface via tether, as then such surface efforts transpire as along as there's no sunrise, nor of any significant solar or cosmic storms transpiring because, if all goes well the earthshine lunar environment could represent an environment of as little as 1 Sv/day, although that could certainly change into being 1 Sv/hour if our sun is having another one of those bad days.
A darn good moon suit might cut that raw 1 Sv/day down to as little as .01 Sv/day (1 TBI rem/day), however there's absolutely no moon suit that'll protect your sorry butt from an inbound dust-bunny that's clocking itself in at an average of 30+km/s, much less of a few of those making their presents known at 225 km/s as our solar system travels itself through space. As for surviving those sorts of incoming dust particles and micro-meteorites of perhaps several grams, as for that you'll need to be sheltered within the LM-1 (Lunar Metro bus), or situated sufficiently underground, as within a geode pocket of at least under several meters worth of lunar basalt (the more solid the better).
Because Earth and of its moon are mutually traveling through the relatively nasty space surrounding our sun at 30+km/s, plus the fact that our solar system is likewise moving itself or rather being dragged along by the likes of Sirius through an expanse of the Milky Way Galaxy that's relatively chuck full of nasty stuff, that plus the fact that the moon offers no shield as per Van Allen zone of death, nor has the moon an atmosphere as to deflect nor cut the velocity of anything down to size prior to impacting, and where the 1.623 m/s/s worth of lunar gravity influence that's unimpaired at making whatever is drifting along at being gravity influenced into being collected by the moon, and from all angles at that, at least that's the most likely case of whatever comes within 2r (1738 km from the lunar surface) if not already making great speed is defiantly going put on some terrific sort of speed of its own (arriving from 1738 km X 1.017875 = 1763 km/s isn't even out of the ballpark), and thereby impact is delivered with truly horrific results, and pretty much regardless of size isn't helping because, there's absolutely insufficient atmosphere.
Because there's NO ATMOSPHERE is primarily why the lunar environment is going to remain as far worse off than hell, and not simply because of those primary and secondary radiation factors, as we can somewhat physically shield ourselves and otherwise utilize earthshine where the moon itself is blocking the vast majority of what the sun is capable of tossing at the moon, and if need be a transfer of banked bone marrow when and if we get caught with our moon-suit pants down whenever something truly nasty transpires. But lo and behold, it's because of what's the moon is continually smashing itself into and of what's otherwise being attracted to the moon that's capable of kicking your moon-suit butt from their to Tim Buck Too. In other words, the closer you get yourself to the surface of any moon (especially that of ours) the worse off your chances of surviving becomes. The only viable solution is to have yourself a darn good and well fortified LM-1(Lunar Metro bus of perhaps 360 tonnes or better), with those robotic arms and robotic tool extensions plus loads of cameras to see by, as otherwise residing within a this mostly basalt and JB-WELD epoxy composite LM-1 is about as good as it gets, short of residing fully under 3+ meters worth of lunar ground, and even that much basalt can easily be penetrated and/or entirely displaced by a few kilograms worth of meteorite that could just as easily slip under your radar.
Even those nasty impact displacement shards of whatever micro-meteorite would become downright lethal to any nearby moon-suit EVA, thus the protective composite shell of the LM-1 is extremely robust (as much as half meter thick in places), as well as for that being field reparable. This impact endurance is necessary because there's no armor piercing technology on Earth that'll hold a candle to what 2 kg worth of whatever's arriving from 19 km at the good speed of 30.6 km/s (936 GJ/s), not to mention the 1763 km/s potential of that same 2 kg arriving from 1738 km delivers 3.1 TJ/s.
The notion that the moon is of so much less density offers us a geology worth of hope that there are crystal geode like interiors (enormous pockets) that'll explain a portion of the missing 40% mass, and/or of at least the notion of uncovering large and long enough pores or hollow rilles that'll accommodate our needs, whereas otherwise constructing the LSE-CM/ISS lobby is going to take perhaps something in the way of a nuclear explosion/implosion in order to expedite the creation of a suitable underground abode. This is where 28 days at best is the lunar nighttime and/or earthshine protected working environment as for mere humans, as once sunrise and of the subsequent secondary reactions starts to deliver upon the multiples of perhaps 3+ Sv/hr is where it's going to get downright moon-suit bitchy really fast, not to mention damn hot, and with almost nothing as to conduct away the surplus of internal moon suit heat plus counteracting the 1400 w/m2 influx of what's being full-spectrum solar introduced that's going to take a considerable amount of spendy energy resources, and of most likely more than can be hauled about in person, whereas the LM-1 could afford to pack about a sufficient amount of energy reserves (h2o2/c12h26) and of otherwise capable of carrying about those enormous radiating surfaces as required for heat-exchanging that would become absolutely necessary (short of using up frozen supplies of O2, or there's a somewhat capable notion of using some of the excessive heat as from the melting of H2O2 could be sufficient in itself, although I tend to believe there's a point of no-return for that sort of thermal extraction solution that may or may not last the 28+day interval).
Remember that the LM-1 is powered along by the H2O2/C12H26 formula as being consumed by the IRRC engine that's in itself somewhat extremely energy efficient and actually not all that big for the amount of energy it can provide as to fully operate the LM-1 through the earthshine environment, obviously having to accomplish this feat without the aid of solar energy.
As far as working illumination goes, the earthshine is way more than adequate, offering roughly 40 times that of moonshine upon Earth, and at times of increased cloud cover is when earthshine can reach levels of 50 times that of moonshine. Thus there's no illumination argument nor better illumination to work by, whereas the unfiltered solar influx of 1400 w/m2, which includes roughly 64 watts of the UV spectrum that'll make for badly skewing those conventional camera and/or film recorded images way into the blue spectrum, causing our red, white and blue flags as to becoming of a fluorescent vibrance of black-light creating a horrific worth of blue, and of what our eyes can't manage to see as for the Sirius/ab peak wavelength of 375~475 nm being that of nearly 512 times brighter as to exposing film and/or of those raw CCD cameras not incorporating a deep spectrum cutoff filter as per blocking such horrific amounts of near-UV and UV/a illuminations.
Fortunately the mostly basalt and meteorite shards of the lunar surface has created a rough and remaining sharp as a tack morgue of billions of years worth of uncompacted and relatively dark debris, that which currently offers a mere 11% reflective nature, and thereby of a relatively asphalt like dark composition being even somewhat less reflective of the near-UV and otherwise black-light reactive UV/a spectrum. In as much as the regular KODAK film (as utilized on those Apollo missions) included a photo/emulsion yellow dye that was so overly sensitive to those spectrums (whereas upon Earth having but a mere 250~500 mw/m2 of the UV spectrum to deal with), so much so that the photographed surface should actually have appeared as photographically somewhat darker than as for being humanly observed, whereas the color of blue (such as the blue within our flag) would have consistently been over exposed, and/or skewed to the point of being recorded as a fluorescent vibrance, much like what artificial black-light of much lesser intensity accomplishes right here on Earth.
Obviously those Apollo missions were able to alleviate such color skewed photographic concerns by way of implementing all of their illuminations via xenon sources. As such I've posted yet another one of those difficult research pages that's worth another look-see, that is if you need to understand something about how to photograph what the human eye sees without your film being roasted by the horrific heat, sub-frozen and easily broken by the extreme cold, irradiated to death by all of the secondary radiation and otherwise having to deal with all those bluish colors of being so freaking spectrum skewed, and so much so that there's no reasonable processing nor printing fix after the fact, especially once those negatives and/or transparencies had been so overly exposed by all the near-UV and well into those UV/a spectrums.
What exactly is the LSE-CM/ISS or GMDE anyway
A massive outpost or gateway depot/abode as sort of the NExT generation ISS that has become tether secured to the moon, and as everything being continually pulled towards mother Earth, thus always tentioned towards Earth but otherwise essentially providing an absolutely stable platform/depot of somewhat terrific substance that's within a nullification zone that's not going much of anywhere, especially since the moon isn't going away via lunar recession any time soon, nor is it likely to being reversed by this LSE effort.
A good LSE offers an outpost that's situated just sufficiently towards the Earth gravity influence, obviously quite robustly tether attached to the lunar surface, perhaps in several (4) locations, whereas this form of robust tethering (accommodating a variety of spiffy tether transport elevator pods) is tugging against a rather sizable and thus massive artificial (Borg like) sphere that's residing at roughly 17.5% towards Earth, within easily hosting the 1e6 m3 worth of interior ISS that's otherwise surrounded by thousands if not millions of tonnes of lunar substance, plus further managing upon whatever the dipole element and of it termination pod or platform that's deployed towards Earth, thus a lunar based tether that's tensioned at the gravity pull of 0.000304 G (+/- 0.00008 G) of whatever desirable mass there is to work against, minus the CCM (counter counter mass) compensation that's created as for accommodating the dynamic solution and thus amounts to regulating this LSE to absolutely any degree of tension needed.
Situated between the CM/ISS and the surface of the moon (at ME-L1 = 16% towards Earth) are those counter-rotating flywheels storing up all of the tether dipole extracted energy plus whatever PV or sterling/thermal conversion and of whatever's otherwise created from lunar He3. Because of this rather unique gravity-well null location that dynamically regulated by the CM/CCM attributes and perhaps even viat the Earth bound tether dipole element, is where these flywheels are nearly unlimited in size as well as for their mass, so that as many terawatt hours as need be are capable of being stored and subsequently distributed on demand. Below those counter-rotating flywheels, situated partially into lunar gravity influence, is where the dynamic CCM (counter counter mass) that's doing it's thing as to interactively compensating for the 5.5% M/E variance, thus offering the necessary degree of LSE tether tension regulation as well as for damping whatever potential oscillations that may need tending to. The CCM resides itself at roughly ME-14.5%, created as the most interactively dynamic element so as to help balance out the overall LSE functions into a neat package that's as nearly self tending as robotically possible.
This is obviously where the math and physics and of no doubt rocket science gets thoroughly into a serious spin cycle, as there's unbelievably so much happening between the moon and Earth (not even including all those nasty meteors and lethal dust-bunny items), and even though the moon isn't rotating the least bit out of sink with that of our existence, there's still the 5.5% variance of distance to deal with, plus loads of Earthly tidal forces, and of whatever the fluctuating sun tosses at us, and of having 4+ LSE significant elements (plus multiple tethers) situated roughly within a given gravity-well +/- zone of what's between the moon and Earth continually at play simply isn't making this task any easier. Although, once established and for the most part taking care of itself, energy efficiency becomes the name of the game, allowing nearly any amount of space and solar gathered energy to being transfered back towards Earth, and/or simply loads of processed He3 exportable to Earth, not to mention the shere advantage of supporting the ultimate stratigic star-wars platform extended to within 50,000 km of Earth, meanwhile haing this GMDE (Guth Moon Dirt Express) depot and million cubic meters worth of ISS accommodated within the primarmy CM sphere, all of which at the disposal of folks still thinking about doing really expensive as well as stupid and risky sorts of things, like heading exprditions off to the likes of Mars.
Regarding LSE energy; this is where I've been informed that there's the very least 4 terawatts of lunar recession energy taking place. So, even though my math is unintentionally skewed from time to time, until I learn of or that I am informed differently, I'm believing that there's little if any chance of this LSE-CM/ISS is capable of over-doing things, as to nullifying much less reversing lunar recession. Perhaps if the mass of the CM/ISS plus whatever impact the dipole element and of it's termination platform were to amount to 7.35e12t (0.00001% worth of lunar mass), that such a truly horrific amount might eventually cut into the recession by some measurable degree, even though the lunar proportion of requiring such a horrific collection of silica/basalt composite tethers, especially in terms of m2, that which in itself might become rather massive to say the least, although remaining somewhat balanced between the lunar and Earth gravity, whereas only the primary tether entioning attributed by the CM/ISS and of whatever the extended dipole element, and again minus whatever the CCM element contributes, should be worth considering as for the net outcome of what's measurable.
In fewer words; this LSE-CM/ISS and extended dipole element should impose only a slight imposition upon the lunar recession, as it sure as hell isn't sufficient as to cause the moon to eventually crash into Earth.
Of the tether dipole extracted energy; perhaps this phase could actually introduce the most drag and thus recession nullifying potential than for the tether tension of perhaps 30e3t representing less than 300 GW, whereas I believe the potential of creating the ultimate 7.35e12t CM/ISS and extended dipole element could theoretically become worth 2.234e9t, where I believe that's worthy of taking out 2.25 TW, or roughly 50% of the lunar recession potential, whereas the actual primary tether tension would still remain within spec by simply adjusting upon the CM/ISS placement as well as for utilizing the CCM placement and of it's highly dynamic mass (tethers associated between the CM and CCM would be taking up most of the variables and punishment, though because of their near zero gravity and opposing gravity-well nullifying whatever tether infrastructure there is, of whatever in between CM/CCM tether associated mass and thereby strength is almost unlimited).
Energy storage via a couple of massive flywheels situated nearly exactly at the ME-L1 is yet another example of almost no impact upon the lunar recession, other than the 30+km/s worth of friction (+/- 1 km/s in relationship to Earth). Even if each of those flywheels were of 1e6 tonnes, as that's merely 2e6 tonnes as counter rotating while situated at the nullification point, thereby efficiently storing infinite amounts of energy, and of subsequently distributing such energy via conductors within the composite tethers and/or via laser cannon of whatever spectrum you'd care to create.
If you can imagine having the best of two worlds at your disposal, where the gravity of each is more than sufficiently stable, where the mutual gravity-well position or nullification zone is well established and entirely mapped well into the future, as fore knowing of exactly where and of what to expect, where the existing recession between these two orbs only further insures that of any artificial influence situated between these two points of gravity is not going to disrupt the space-time-continuum, nor bust outside of any of those Einstein rules. Thus, lo and behold, with the tools and trades existing of our past and as of today, of common sense and the applied talents and of the honest intent upon achieving this LSE-CM/ISS goal, the only remaining obstacle that's of any concern is of the limitations and/or intentionally skewed intentions of those focused upon further snookering humanity into the nearest space toilet, rather than allowing the truth and nothing but the truth to be known, with much less complications and a fraction of the operating cost as for actually telling the truth from here on out.
Of course, that leaves out a great deal of those nasty cloak and dagger opportunities as for all of those within the CIA, FBI, NIMA, NSA, DoD and of countless other specialty opts that are not supposed to exist by way of using scientific cloak of NASA as to operate within nor under some phony moral agenda that actually has demonstrated absolutely no remorse for much of anything that's gone to hell in a hand-basket as of lately.
Just for a little further argument sake, lets assume a CCM/ISS plus whatever deployed dipole element becomes worthy of imposing a total mass of 100e6 t. Obviously the 0.0003 G would by itself pull towards Earth at the horrific tension of 30e3 t. If that amount of tension were too much to ask of any given basalt or silica/basalt composite tether(s), besides the rather obvious options of merely repositioning the linear deployment of the CM, that's where the CCM comes into action, as it's situated on the lunar side of this gravity-well equation, thus of whatever mass is loaded into the CCM and/or of it placement with respect to the lunar influence becomes a highly dynamic solution as to the overall tension upon those primary LSE tethers. In other words, of whatever primary tether tension you should desire, the intentional mass compensation and/or placement afforded by the CCM can be adjusted so as to accommodate just that, regardless of the CM/ISS mass and/or of dipole element aspects and of whatever M/E orbital associations. The only exception should be the necessary adjustments for whatever the sun has to offer, and unless the sun has blasted something of significance towards us, that's relatively minor with respect to what the association is with good old mother Earth.
Obviously I'm not the "all knowing", nor the one and only soul thinking we've needed a lunar space elevator, though perhaps I'm the only one that's either still alive and/or being allowed to snoop about without fear of those "nondisclosure" cloak and dagger cops busting down my door, and I'd suppose that would be just for starters.
If you bothered to do a search for "lunar space elevator" or perhaps "lunar gateway" or "moon gateway", you'll soon get yourself into dozens of worthy topics, and even into some downright serious R&D, especially if you include along with another search item as for including "moon He3" or "lunar He3", or perhaps just "3He" will do the trick, as then you'll soon learn that the ruling consensus of the mainstream status quo has been quite serious about such things, that of our receding moon seemingly holds a holy grail worth of future energy, and then some, not to mention what my LSE-CM/ISS and of the tether dipole deployed platform offer the best ever star-wars opportunity of accommodating and powering a few of those 100 GW laser cannons that could just a soon be utilized on behalf of humanity as not.
As for my dyslexic encryption methods of arguing my way through almost any point, and as such proposing notions that our moon actually be utilized for the likes of interactive robotic instruments on behalf of Earth sciences and astronomy via having those VLA-SAR image receiving modules situated upon the moon, with just as little as that much being suggested is seemingly where all hell breaks loose, with unusually high volumes of opposition flak incoming from all directions. If you'd care to include upon the notions of anything manned, much less of anything LSE, that's when the true "shock and awe" of our very own almighty NASA and of their swings into full action, along with their incest Borg moles and damage control freaks applying every bit of spin and the most fearsome dog wagging that's possible. I should know this because, ever since I discovered what had been overlooked and was thereby clearly existing on Venus as way more artificial than not, then having to delve into learning what's been so terribly dead wrong about our Apollo missions, as ever since I've located upon those wagged dog body parts, as such lying all over the place. In fact, there have been so many dismembered dog parts from such fearsome dog wagging, that hip boots aren't enough any more.
I've had to learn indirectly from the likes of wizard Jay bin Windley or JayUtah of apollohoax, that outer space is generally quite nasty, especially within the Van Allen zone of death is where you can expect as much as 2e3 Sv/year while situated behind 2 g/cm2, which computes into that raw external environment being 2e8 Sv/year or 2e10 rem/year. But lo and behold, as I've also learned far more from the likes of Jay bin Windley, in that once sufficiently away from the magnetosphere of Earth, thus unprotected by the Van Allen expanse, of what's out there is actually worse off for you if your body is having to be associated with any amount of good shield and/or surrounding terrain of density, which of course you must be shielded by a good deal of something that's preferably not going to take up all the space and/or thickness of having to haul about your own atmospheric expanse and magnetoshpere on top of that.
It seems as though, a great deal of what's in outer space isn't necessarily what kills you, but it's from the rather nasty reaction of such energies upon numerous substances that creates those hard X-Ray dosages from whatever is shielding your butt, that's fully capable of terminating life as we know it. This is where the more the density is NOT necessarily better, whereas the most ideal shield density is hydrogen, as in H2, because the lesser the shield density the less of those nasty secondary hard X-Rays you'll have to deal with. Though obviously you can't possibly haul about enough H2 expanse because, your spaceship would become way too huge. Increasing shield density/cm2 is your only solution (short of creating a massively powerful magnetosphere), though it's also what's creating those hard X-Rays, so you're sort of damned if you do and damned if you don't.
On mother Earth, many of us are already taking on more than our fair share of TBI skin dosage, where as little as .364 rem/year results in some of us acquiring skin cancer, and a few of us even die from just that. While in open space that's sufficiently outside of our atmosphere, as well as for being external to the magnetosphere expanse, we'd be taking on a skin dosage of at least 3.64e6 rem/year, which is obviously a rather substantial 1e7:1 ratio, whereas otherwise the vast bulk of reductions in such radiation being attributed to our relatively low density but otherwise terrific expanse of our atmosphere, plus the Van Allen zone of death doing its part.
Since a spacecraft hasn't the luxury of hauling about a 50,000 km worth of atmospheric surround, especially while sustaining an even larger magnetosphere, the next best thing is having to utilize a good deal of substance that's offering greater mass per cm2, such as aluminum and another good barrier of water. Although, whenever we accomplish such shielding we've just created those nasty secondary issues of hard X-Rays that given time can flat out kill you. The only survivable option is to utilize even more of whatever substances for shielding your butt, as much as for reducing whatever composite of various radiation influx as well as for diminishing upon all those secondary issues, but as equally if not more so important is for the task of fending off any of those micro and not so micro meteors, or how about the notion of a mere dust-bunny being impacted at 30+km/s.
So far so good, that is as long as you've managed to launch your 100 g/cm2 spacecraft that isn't otherwise having to be externally associated with anything that's sufficiently huge and dense, like a moon. As if so, the gravitational attraction of that moon, along with whatever energy influence induced by the rate of gravity acceleration (such as the 1.623 m/s for that of our moon) is not going to make those micro and not so micro meteors go away. Trust me, that even though you've somehow managed to launch your 100 g/cm2 shielded craft that's sufficiently buffering you from radiation, life only gets testier as you plan upon operating closer to and of course for the ultimate plan of landing something survivable onto the lunar surface, especially if this is during full sunlight, and your lander technology was limited in construction to having large in areas protected by perhaps 1 g/cm2 or even less worth of shielding (much like our original lunar landers that due to weight restrictions were constructed of little more than aluminum foil). Although that's still somewhat better off as far as becoming even less secure from radiation and perferations as situated within your synthetic moon suit that offers but 0.5 g/cm2, which might at best yield a TBI dosage of as little as 1.5 rem/day if the sun remains unusually passive, though planning upon 15 rem/day might be a bit more realistic.
If perchance absolutely nothing solar is going on, which could happen for a few hours here and there, you might be looking at a raw external environment of at least 100 rem/day. Lo and behold, at such unusually low solar influx there's actually plenty of other nastier cosmic stuff getting through, plus the added cocktail of whatever is solar plus cosmic that's reacting quite badly with the lunar soil and rock that's essentially tossing those hard X-Rays right back at you from just about every direction except from above. So, not only is every bit of the lunar terrain reacting hostile, but of the secondary radiation created by your own moon suit is busy at attacking your DNA from every possible angle (including from above) and, because it's a fully solar illuminated event, it's getting damn hot inside that moon suit that has almost nothing that's thermally conductive to work with.
In a nut shell, or moon suit in this instance, on such a calm/passive solar day, the suit itself could easily be contributing as much as another 1+rem/day to your accumulative TBI treatment, of which fewer than a hundred days worth of even that much and you may be in need of some of your banked bone marrow that you've hopefully stashed away beforehand.
Though chances are that throughout your lunar stint, the sun isn't going to remain all that passive, as in IR warm and fuzzy, but besides all of the 64 w/m2 of what's UV/abc, and as for more than likely there'll be a few of those testy sun spots and resulting solar weather coming your way that's simply chuck full of fairly nasty sorts of radiated micro-flak, as in creating that more typical external environment of 364 rem/day (3.64 Sv/day), the sort of influx that'll react rather badly with your surroundings, and subsequently creating loads more of those secondary hard X-Rays that'll chop up a good deal of whatever's left of your DNA. So, expecting the continuation of cosmic influx plus your solar dosage to at least triple and even surpass 10 fold if things get sort of hot and nasty before you've managed to crawl yourself into a very big moon cave that's preferably facing away from the sun, as otherwise the typical lunar environment is offering the moon suit occupant about as warm and friendly as for receiving 15+rem/day worth of whatever lunar life on the open range might typically get for you.
Of course, even 15 rem/day isn't the least bit individually lethal if you're only doing a few days worth, or at best accumulating at somewhat lesser amounts by limiting yourself to spending 10% worth per day at being TBI roasted, as 10% exposure is getting you back towards 1.5 rem per EVA outing, which should at least afford 50 such EVAs without reliance upon your backup plan of having to use any of your banked bone marrow. The fact that whatever hair remains will be turning gray if not white and otherwise falling out is just the sort of mission compromise that's justifying why you're getting the big bucks and others are not.
Of course, if you had yourself the backup of a fully staffed and outfitted LSE-CM/ISS, other nice folks would have been advising you of where not to be, such as anywhere in the direct sun. In addition, if this LSE had a substantial underground lobby as a sheltered community stashed below 3+ meters worth of lunar basalt, as that too would be good for go, just like for utilizing the massive 50t LM-1 bus (that's 300t worth on Earth) would sufficiently protect yourself and all other onboard from most all radiation as well as from the vast majority of those 1 kg or lesser meteorites, whereas those pesky micro-meteorites would do little more than take the mostly basalt composite finish off the exterior of this LM-1 bus. Since your LM-1 (Lunar Metro) bus can afford to loose up to 100 mm worth of composite hull before there's any discomfort for those inside, there's reasonably good odds that you'll return to the LSE lobby in one piece.
As you can see, and/or at least anticipate that the focus on those pesky meteorites is where the real risk to life resides, whereas a micro-meteorite of 1 gram clocking in at 15+km/s is going to deliver more of a punch than just knocking you on your moon-suit butt. Within reason your DNA can repair itself from an over-dosage of radiation, though if you've acquired a significant meteorite hole that's passing entirely through your body, that's defiantly a bad sign, especially bad if that impact managed to vent your suit down to zero bar.
Thus the LSE-CM/ISS and of the LSE Lobby, along with it's massive LM-1 bus, is about as outdoorsy as you'll likely ever want to get, especially since there's no reliable way of detecting nor predicting the impacts of micro-meteorites and of their secondary shards is literally another freaking lethal shot in the dark. Working the earthshine environment should however enable that external radiation environment to remain slightly above 1 Sv/day throughout much of the typical solar events, and perhaps below 1 Sv/day throughout the most passive solar cycles, whereas the fully illuminated solar maximum exposures can deliver many Sv/hr and/or thousands of rem/day, and even the likes of thousands of rem/hr if you're honestly counting upon those late October/November 2003 solar events, remembering that of whatever is incoming will introduce at least another 10% worth as a radiation booster shot worth of what's incoming as converted into the likes of secondary TBI hard X-Ray dosages.
In working that earthshine environment, where your external threat is cut to 1 Sv/day, obviously this makes the outdoors EVA life on the moon as reasonably good, however those pesky micro-meteorites and not so micro chunck events probably don't play by any specific day/night rule book, other than first come first served, such as when mother Earth is acting much like your line blocker, as these two bodies are having to merge their way through the naked gauntlet of space at 30+km/s, as that's when having an extremely large globe like Earth blocking and/or deflecting and otherwise taking on the brunt of whatever's in the your path is a very good thing.
Of course, there's the lunar substance itself (mostly dark basalt), that besides such being of greater density than aluminum and thereby creating greater amounts of secondary radiation and of getting damn hot in the sun to boot, as well as containing some of that nifty He3, whereas this basalt substance might also include some rather radioactive mineral attributes all on it's own, thus you could just as well be standing in lose pile of highly radioactive material as not. I've been informed that the lunar background radiation (excluding whatever is influxing and/or reacting from such influx) has been reported to average at least twice that of Earth, so it's more likely than not that there'd be a few radiation worthy hot spots worth NOT standing within.
Remaining situated within the LM-1 bus for as much of an extended expedition as possible should be the norm, having side and front robotic arms, and everything powered by that robust IRRCE power unit of < 225 kw (fueled by h2o2/c12h26) would permit fairly extensive mechanical work to taking place without demanding much if any external EVA exposures. Those auxiliary PV panels and of a battery bank or that of a flywheel energy storage method could permit accommodating a hybrid composite worth 10 fold energy draw for up to a 10% duty cycle, thus accommodating peak workk demand loads of 2.5 MW should more than manage this task.
Of course, reasons why so much of this lunar environment is somewhat having to be of a continued speculation, this is obviously because we still have absolutely nothing whatsoever that's interactively reporting squat worth of real-time lunar data, much less contributing towards Earth sciences nor even vastly improving upon astronomy. Though this lack of believable data seems rather odd, since the sort of probes that could have been easily robotically deployed, those would have been relatively small and quite energy efficient, especially of those created within the last decade. Incredibly cheap by all planetary probe standards, as of at least 100 lunar surface implanted probes that could have included seismics, even acoustical readings along with the usual radiation and thermal conditions, whereas all 100 of those deployed for less than the price tag of one Mars probe that can't possibly offer anything other than improved knowledge upon dry-ice. Whereas today, we could have been talking about a fairly small sort of composite data as recorded via micro-probes, of such taking lunar atmospheric pressure, thermal and radiation environment plus even some acoustic data via the thin sodium atmosphere, that's being accommodated from a probe being as little as 1 kg (including it's solar panel and transmitter). Surely the likes of such and even those larger (10+kg) probes can be released from a passing or orbiting satellite, with an adequate surround of impact resisting balloons and other impact energy absorbing external packaging that should have been a done deal. Of course, it'd be damn nice if there were an actual robotic fly-by-wire instrument lander that could be remotely rocket decelerated down to the surface, as the controlling flight data link is only a little over one second each way, so that of whatever the onboard technology couldn't manage, perhaps a remote overriding pilot could compensate for. Though at best we could be looking at a 5 second turnaround response as for anything human interfaced, which means that the robotic rocket powered lander would have to be R&D as for being primarily on it's own, unless there were sufficient fuel onboard for offering several minutes worth of controlled down-range flight and soft touchdown selection, so that the remote flight controller might offer some decision making opportunity without making the flight stability situation any worse off than it was.
If the micro-instrument payloads were small, say each of 10 kg worth, then whatever the remainder of micro lander mass of engines, fuel and oxidiser, of which isn't all that demanding if we're excluding humans and then speaking of accommodating a one-way delivery plan. That's why anything of deploying even 100 of those lunar surface probes isn't going to be worth 10% of one probe doing Mars. In fact, I'd venture to say a 100:1 ratio, or 1% the honest cost of a Mars surface probe and of it's creators and continuing ground support overhead is actually the truthful fact of the matter. Don't look now but, that's 1000 lunar surface probes going on-line for the bang of just one Mars probe that's delivering squat worth of anything on behalf of Earth's humanity, as opposed to nearly every one of these 1000 lunar probes being indispensable on behalf of Earth and lunar sciences, as some of these lunar probe deployments can be rather specific, such as the VLA-SAR receiving aperture probes that'll knock seriously valuable socks off whatever conventional astronomy observations (including those of Hubble), especially upon what's within our solar system. A few other such micro-probes could even accommodate a portion of interplanetary laser communication transponders.
Keeping in mind, that of what's within our solar system, with the exception of identifying and thus tracking those potential Earth killer meteors and nastier asteroids, the vast majority of our solar system isn't likely to being relevant to humanity for many centuries to come, as only the innermost 4 or possibly 5 planets and that of our sun are candidates for advancing our knowledge and of subsequently benefiting humanity, whereas the remainder is simply too freaking far away as for generations of folks to ever live long enough to ever realize anything much beyond the discovery of more dry-ice, and of toxic elements and/or microbes we certainly don't need unless we're planning on gassing yet other species of life into oblivion, at least it's not worth it if that's at the horrific price tag of trillions of bucks/euros. Though once having those VLA-SAR imaging receiving apertures situated on the moon, at least we'd be obtaining those 100 mm resolution images of what's below the various atmospheres of Jupiter and Saturn, and perhaps then some, such as for greatly benefiting the NEO quest. Of course, you'd think of our just knowing about the actual lunar environment should be worth a little intellectual something, especially if there's actually all that much He3 or 3He to being had for the taking.
Unfortunately, honest probe investments are never what the public is allowed to see nor consider upon (sort of like excluding those WorldCom, ENRON and Arthur Andersen books and now the GW Bush preemptive efforts that brought us into the likes of 9/11, and of worse things to come), other than what's being launched by those fire breathing dragons that helps to contribute up to 100 times their intended payload mass as for such efforts creating artificial CO2 for Earth's environment, but it's also associated of what the entire operation took, of getting that program initiated in the first place, and of the probe fully constructed, as only then comes the infomercial worthy launch. Whereas if that launch phase goes well (not always the case), as then comes the tactical flight control teams and all of their infrastructure that goes on month after month, and even year after year before there's anything for the actual scientific community to do. As even then the end results are usually less than planned upon, if at all, due to the mission delivery punishment and of the relatively nasty radiation plus micro-meteorite flak that represents a fairly good deal of nasty gauntlet, which in itself causes some missions to never get past go, much less reach their intended surface in working order. Other times we simply make a few too many human mistakes, and that buys the farm out from under everyone involved.
Christ almighty and good grief; the likes of ISS alone as thus far unofficially involved 53+ billions (that means that their Arthur Anderson accounting for what's really been invested will never come to light) and requires the expertise and resources of roughly 100,000 full time folks, most of which are not working as volunteers, but highly paid while situated within terrific facilities and receiving loads of spendy benefits to boot, and of that drain and artificial creation of CO2 has been going on year after year, as well as intended into the foreseeable future.
Thus when things aren't going well, we hear yet another giant space toilet flushing sound, while everyone proceeds to point their butt soiled fingers and/or go though their usual butt salvaging routines in order to obtain another round of public funding, as though absolutely everything went according to plan, as unfortunately there's no way in hell any of these mission related folks would invest a penny of their own into such a risky and relatively pointless endeavor, especially as from what most distant planetary probes have to offer, which as I've said is typically squat worth of absolutely nothing that our humanity ever needed in the first place, or needs now or in any time within the foreseeable future. Like all those of folks of club Hubble and even those supposedly nice folks of SETI, they're gone so far up their own and/or each others posteriors by looking and pondering at what's of multi-million light year distant places, that not even the folks of thousands of generations from now have the slightest hope of their obtaining any worth.
Seems if we're going to blow hundreds of billions if not trillions of bucks on what's outside of our solar system, we should at least be working with those nice Dogon folks upon getting signals to/from (18 years worth) their Sirius/abc, and as for perhaps sending off our best effort probe that's possible. If that probe could obtain a SOA of 100+km/s, as I believe that's only 2827 years worth of such going for Sirius if it were standing still, of which it isn't. In order to keep up with the Sirius recession and still make that probe delivery happen within 2827 years, for that I believe we'll be needing a SOA of at least 132+km/s, and even that's offering us a closer target/goal by a factor of being 100 times closer than then next best thing that's on the horizon, of which that's still not anything like all those terrific targets acquired by the likes of Hubble and SETI huggers that are still insisting upon looking at the sorts of stuff that's million+ times further away than Sirius.
Analogy; Just because a given cosmic well appears to offer itself as a bottomless pit, that doesn't require that we all should dive in, in order to see for ourselves how deep it actually is, as I'll just as soon take their word for it before venturing much beyond my front doorstep.
Of course, if we decided to deploy such a truly horrific Sirius probe of relatively massive EMPD thruster array format, and such fueled along by perhaps a few thousand tonnes of lunar extracted He3 might actually become the ticket for this Sirius probe to ride, though fully nuclear fusion may actually be our only hope at this point in our space travel development because, we seems to be having ourselves another wee bit of a dumbfounded ongoing "what if" brewing, amounting to the "what if" others obtain access to and thus ownership rights to exporting their lunar He3 before we do, and more likely than not is of others establishing their one and only LSE-CM/ISS before we do.
Just in case you haven't anticipated nor appreciated exactly what the LSE-CM/ISS and of it's tether dipole element that's reaching it's termination platform to within 50,000 km of Earth has to offer, let me tell you a little something; I believe the LSE-CM/ISS offers humanity the absolute ultimate in WMD technology, at least far better than most any stealth donkey-cart, in that if the dipole element provided a platform of those 100 GW class laser cannons, each having their 0.5 milliradian beams capable of focusing upon any given butt from the vantage point of merely 50,000 km, and of using whatever spectrum suits the desires of those encharge, well now, if that's not of a serious WMD that's worth pondering, if not worthy of entirely losing your cookies over, then I don't know what is.
If you even had the right as to elect the sort of oversight that you'd entrust with those laser cannons, exactly whom would that be?
oue born-again GW Bush?
The Pope?
Dogon tribe?
Jewish folks?
Cloned Hitlers'?
Usama/Osama bin Laden?
Venus lizard folk?
Perchance yourself?
Unless my dyslexic cogs are slipping more than normal, it seems of what we've needed for ourselves is a darn good lunar pitstop, as preferably a GMDE (Guth Moon Dirt Express) in the form of the LSE-CM/ISS, performing as a gateway to places like Mars or Venus, not to mention for the intellectual and energy values bestowed upon Earth sciences and the defense thereof our global environment. This is where the LSE-CM/ISS is accommodating the holy grail of "Star Wars" on steroids, as well as it's offering another holy grail worth of clean future energy, it's also affording the means to many ends that we can't possibly manage without our having exactly this sort of beneficial nullification of a near-zerro gravity pitstop along the way.
As far as trekking ourselves off to other planets, this is where I'll wager 10:1 odds of there still being the remains and/or beginnings of life, other than sub-frozen and otherwise pulverised and summarily irradiated to death microbes, and especially as existing on Venus rather than Mars. At least the planetology of Venus offers loads of natural energies, plus having a sufficient atmospheric surround that'll cut those solar and cosmic radiation influx factors down to a survivable level, perhaps even of somewhat lower levels than found here on Earth, and especially if we're talking about folks surviving the nighttime seasons on Venus, never mind all the observational data that clearly indicates upon existing infrastructures persisting on Venus, as opposed to our identifying the possible remains of what might have once upon a time been a civilization, and otherwise a whole lot of sterilized dry-ice as upon Mars.
Moon He3 offers the holy grail of mission critical energy
To the affordable as well as obtainable benefit of humanity; The LSE eliminates need of future missions having to be launched from Earth with such massive amounts of shielding, nor risk their landing on anything as nasty as our anticathode moon just for the task of obtaining lunar elements or substances. Acting as a moon dirt express depot, the LSE-CM/ISS functions at nearly zero gravity, with only a slight tug of gravity and centrifugal forces that always favor in the direction of Earth, thus minimal energy demand is taken for stationkeeping. The LSE creates solutions and thus resolves the most likely barriers for the task of mining lunar substances and of subsequently processing and efficiently exporting such towards Earth, as well as towards any other planet, such as Mars or Venus. The prospects of refueling missions bound for other planets, using the lunar He3, represents a mission critical solution that's not otherwise affordably obtainable. The LSE-CM/ISS habitat provides for a safe as well as long-term internal community of good size and capable of hosting unlimited technologies for accommodating the goods and services of which the moon itself is providing the vast bulk of what's necessary. The LSE affords the CM/ISS community with a sufficient surround of lunar basalt and of numerous other mass that's worthy of shielding whomever is in need of such, thus entirely eliminating the necessity of having to launch such horrific amounts of dead-weight from Earth, which in turn drastically reduces the contributions of artificial CO2 for Earth.
If all of this LSE topic is still somewhat over your pointy little snookered and otherwise dumbfounded head, you might have to thank your very own government as for your obtaining such an absolutely piss poor education, as well as for obtaining such skewed notions upon whatever little it is that you think you understand about physics, science and even that of history. I obviously can't hardly speak for myself, much less for other countries, though as for being here in the US of A, there's simply been far more invested into our hocus-pocus NASA of our continual dog-wagging cold-war(s) of fostering infomercial-science as loads of disinformation, and then into subsequent damage control and of our being invested into those publicly funded propaganda infomercials, as being thoroughly orchestrated by those in power, rather than upon offering the truth and nothing but the truth, much less having been focused upon advancing humanity as a whole.