Obviously those long day/night cycles or seasons of Venus have in fact been sufficiently heat exchanging and cooling off (CO2 being a good thermal conductor and especially when sufficient vertical attributes exist), especially at attitudes near those cool clouds as within their extended nighttime season as well as over time, as otherwise, that planet would have exploded or imploded upon itself. Therefore a form of planetary and/or evolutionary stability or perhaps a stalemate seems to have existed, where that toasty environment has been home to something, as perhaps a whole lot smarter as for surviving then we've been giving them credit for.
On the off chance that I've been more right then not all along, the very idea of preemptive communicating and/or of delivering a few hundred goodwill tonnes of H2O and/or H2O2 to VL2 certainly can't hurt, just as our xenon beam and/or laser communicating and thereby sharing whatever mutual intellectual knowledge shouldn't hurt unless it's your religion that's frail and/or about to burn and crash anyway. Exactly where our esteemed wizards came up with the ideas and logic or illogic formulating what we're supposed to know about Venus is becoming rather odd if not sinister in nature.
What if these lizard folks actually need and/or needed our help?
What if we need their expertise of living within a whole lot more CO2?.
Either way, that's a win-win for humanity as well as for anything lizardkind. The only rational opposition can be from those having lesser morals and perhaps a few too many ulterior motives or perhaps just a whole lot of guilt getting in their way, as otherwise there's absolutely nothing to lose and essentially everything to be gained, best of all (unlike anything Mars), obtainable at the least possible cost as well as least risk to humanity at that.
Sorry NASA, Mars huggers and of those looking ever further and further away from reality. Venus may be a little too hot for our naked humanity, but so what? Wherever there's a good deal of natural energy as well as planetary geology along with loads of rational physics capable energizing and thereby hosting life (obviously that's excluding pretty much anything Mars), I'll bet there's been the evolution of life and, quite possibly for longer then of what Earth has to offer, and as such, it's at least worth the closer look-see, especially as whenever it's been so nearby that our most basic xenon beams could have communicated or at least have made the initial/preemptive effort.
I fully realize, should there be a reply of any format, then what's the point of continuing upon much other space exploration until the results are more fully understood of Venus and, as in respect to so much other space research and explorations having been badly going these days (budgets a little thin and all), Venus is relatively cheap and quite accessible at that (especially every 18+ month cycle). I know, what a bummer, as perhaps not even all that much of a technological challenge anymore, although certainly a whole lot more difficult as to syphoning off funds for hidden NSA/DoD agendas (perhaps that's the real challenge).
With a relatively low technology mission applied as for our achieving VL2, establishing such a relay satellite with even a primitive astronomy camera much less capable then TRACE (with off the shelf xenon/laser packet responsive detector or simply a fast scan CCD) and a microwave to laser packet converter, by which continuous nighttime viewing and hopefully two-way laser/xenon beam packets of intellectual stuff should become a snap, as the dark side of Venus is truly dark and therefore not all that much artificial illumination (in terms of candela) need be generated as for our sensitive instruments to detect, nor of our transmitting being detected, especially from above those cool nighttime clouds.
VL2 offers roughly 5% solar exposure (plus a little more so if you include what's residing above the solar surface that could push that envelope to as much as 10%), which would be more then sufficient for deriving the energy demands of this transceiver/probe, I'm thinking perhaps as little as 100 watts for the CCD camera, solid state laser and telecommunications needs (remember that we're not having to process upon and subsequently download massive graphical imaging files, just as little as your basic 1 bit of 1 km or lesser resolution images and/or binary packet data, even 16 bit B/W imaging is minute compared to those Mars images), then merely a thousand or so kg of fuel as for long term (36+ month) maintaining the VL2 position.
Based upon the fully exposed solar panel converting roughly 500 watts/m2, where 5% of that is 25 watts, thereby if conservatively counting upon a mere 10 watts/m2, a hundred m2 worth of solar panel and we should even be able to leave a very bright porch light on, perhaps several, like 1470+ cd from just 10 watts of driving 150 of those white super bright (relatively broad divergence of 15 degree) LEDs, obviously 100 watts (100% continuous output) could be accommodated and would be delivering 14,700 cd, so how about as an alternate background of conservatively driving at 10 watts as for delivering 1470 cd, then pulsed to 14,700 cd will certainly be easily noticed as our porch beacon (actually the manufacturer assures we could pulse this array of 150 LEDs to 100,000 cd without damage). Actually, how about going for just a modulated mylar mirror reflecting that 5+% sunlight back towards Venus would make a fairly impressive porch light, could even be mechanically modulated so as to cause a flashing/beacon effect, where all of a few watts would be essentially commanding at least 50^9cd worth of reflected solar light, limited only by the surface area and shape of that mylar reflector panel (panel rotated a few degrees when necessary as to place essentially off line).
Come to think of it, by micro inflating and/or extracting from the void behind the mylar (hydrodynamic or even electromagnetic [voice coil like] if need be), that highly reflective surface could become an effective communications delivery method, taking but a few watts to essentially command 50+^9cd worth of reflected solar illumination. A low baud rate of 100 should be easily obtained and potentially baud rates of 1000+ should be worth consideration instead of having to drive a solid state laser which might be initially too narrow, where the laser would obviously become best suited if targeting upon a specifically located signal source, as being emitted from above those Venus clouds, as otherwise, we may prefer a whole lot more beam spread and thereby more gross illumination delivery (especially if having to penetrate much of those nighttime clouds). A whole lot will depend upon the mission energy resources as to considering the various alternatives and/or combinations of such. Since I'm not into that phase and others claim they are, perhaps they should dictate upon the options at hand and, make good on their sworn responsibility to humanity as well as to their own moral standards (most of these capable R&D wizard types are currently owned by the taxpayer and others were greatly subsidized by the same), perhaps this is "pay back time".
From a reasonably good 5W laser @1.0° = 8^6 cd (8 million candlepower or 1.6^6 cd/watt @1°). For sake of reflective argument, let us conservatively stipulate that our mylar solar reflecting method is but 25% as good, even so that's pumping 0.4^6 cd/watt.
I seem to recall that Earth's outer solar impact is roughly 1375 watts/m2, then just for further argument sake, Venus (being at least .28 AU closer to the sun) should become roughly 2600 watts/m2, thus if a solar reflector were receiving but 5+% of that amount at VL2, this amount is 130 watts/m2. So far OK; now if we apply a 10 m2 (95% reflective) solar reflector, that should equate to 1235 watts of pure solar illumination resource. If that mylar reflector were then to effectively concentrate that energy back into a 1 degree beam, we should have at least 180 times as much to work with. 222 kw is a serious bunch of full spectrum solar illumination potential and, because of my lack of certain expertise within a good number of astronomy issues (including illumination and frequent math errors to boot), I still may be way too conservative as to what's actually obtainable (I'll expect whatever third degree from those smarter then myself at any moment). One thing I'm certain, such a solar reflector of 10 m2 would not likely require but 10 watts of energy as to modulate. So, for all of 10 watts, instead of delivering a mere 1470 cd of 15 degree LED output or even 14^3 cd @1.5 degrees, we could be obtaining a focused delivery of 89^9 cd from just a relatively small (10 m2) mylar reflector. Enlarging upon the parabolic reflector to 100 m2 is getting down right brilliant, especially if that were further focused down to 0.1 degree, as now we're seriously smoking at .89^12 cd.
Another perfectly good analogy of looking at this; a commercial xenon projection lamp/fixture at something under 1 degrees divergence, dependent upon a messily 20" deep dish mirror can deliver 285^3 cd/watt (20% more with an aluminum coated mirror = 342^3 cd/m2), thereby 222 kW of solar reflection focused to that same 1 degree (except by an efficient 10 m/2 reflector) should offer at least 76^9 cd, where upon that comparison of 1 degree focus might reestablish the previous estimate of 89.2^9 cd as being more likely then not obtainable. Obviously an expert illumination tech could polish this with all sorts of fancy math and words to boot, which would only prove that I'm essentially right but just a little off in the calculation department. Either way, we're essentially controlling (be it low baud rate packet transmitting) as much as 89^9 cd @0.1 degrees per 10 m2 per 10 watts of control energy. An electronically active LCD mirror could obviously consume under 1 watt and press that baud rate up to 1 ms/pulse (still slow as modern laser baud rates go but, using extremely little energy to throw the solar illumination right back at the nighttime side of Venus and, we'll likely need to start this off slow enough in order to establish our first link). Obviously the lesser the beam divergence, the greater the cd delivery yet at the same low controlling energy demand (why otherwise apply massive amounts of illumination energy when the sun is more capable and obviously more reliable then of anything we've ever devised and, VL2 is nearly the ideal location as to be transmitting such from as well as for receiving whatever).
As I learn/discover more about parabolic reflective considerations, whether or not lesser divergence is possible and/or of what's more likely as a solar resource from the perspective of VL2, then I'll update this page, along with whatever credits and/or corrections I can manage.
As I've stipulated before; Venus evolution may not have developed the need of anything microwave that's capable of penetrating those clouds (not to be excluding low power medium or short wave which could not penetrate), however, illumination is a rather primitive logic (a rather fundamental necessity for most forms of life) which our earliest ancestors applied and, a good number of life forms on Earth instinctively rely upon interpreting light, a few even transmit their own. Earth has not the extended season of nighttime that would have created the environment nor necessity for that of refining upon illumination nor that of our humanity developing a nightvision similar to that of a magnitude 5 advantage, of which certain recorded nocturnal species have developed. Venus on the other hand has the sufficient duration or seasons of nighttime as well as the rational environmental as motivation that's associated with the sort of evolution we've come to respect because, we can actually understand some of it, thereby sufficiently prove or at least accept the rational outcome. Somehow as for pro-NASA types as well as the bulk of brainwashed astronomy sorts, all of that excludes anything Venus, yet a frozen Mars (devoid of nearly any natural energy resources) is where all the action is and where all those hundreds of billions of dollars and talent resources are being badly focused (potentially lethal microbes and all).