OK, so here we go again; we're off to Venus (or at least to Venus L2)
Let us (in spite of what NASA thinks) presume that everything I have so far discovered and further attempted to describe at "GUTH Venus" is pretty much as is, if not more so and, otherwise as freaking real as it's ever going to get, plus then some, and we in fact plan on going back for that much needed closer look. Naturally hoping to identify whatever or whomever and, then to acquire and/or abscond with all their knowledge (perhaps selectively share some of our's) and, then hopefully return to Earth with all that knowledge and new DNA resources, perhaps with the cure for all known cancers as well as so many other infectious disabling disorders (like arrogance, greed and stupidity).
What if Venus individuals are simply not all that human like.
Under this scope and, based upon what pathetically little we seem to vaguely understand of Earth's total inhabitance, exactly what sort of evolutionary creature(s) would become so tolerant of living on Venus (as their changing enviornment certainly provided sufficient DNA motivation). Pro-NASA types keep telling, no, more like screaming at me, that it's so damn hot and at that, all of the time day or night and, I'm to guess high or low elevation makes little difference as well, so much so, that absolutely nothing has ever existed nor could have lived on Venus, period! OK, so this is apparently the one and only planet we have ever studied that simply defies all known evolutionary logic and, perhaps that's because when Venus arrived into this solar system it was originally situated much closer to the sun and, not otherwise parked next to Earth, perhaps momentarily as close as 2.5 million kilometers (EL1 + VL2). Earth by the way was most likely somewhat further away then we are now, but promise you will not tell NASA, as they would have to change all sorts of crap in their as well as every other worldly library.
Is Club NASA opposing this discovery by merely guessing or what: ?
What can I say; except please bare with me, as I am thinking again (always a bad sign);
That even at their elevated inhabited locations (such as GUTH Venus or higher elevations such as that massive 10+km Istar Terra area) and, based upon what others have already thoroughly researched to death, claiming there is supposedly (according to all those "official NASA archives" as well as many other research documents) much lessor differences (if any) between daytime and nighttime temperatures then here on Earth. In other words, according to NASA standards and truths, it stays hot all the time, in spite of the 2900 hour nighttime and, I am to guess also in spite of elevation factors at even 10+km (that's 33,000+ feet or something like existing 5,000 feet above that of mount Everest). I guess any NASA Borg believes atmosphere is simply atmosphere regardless of whatever elevation or altitude factors (even though the actual nighttime thickness of this Venus atmosphere is currently up for grabs, though if anything it denser at night) and, I guess that must explain why so many pro-NASA types can not even identify those massive reservoirs plus significant other massive structures, such as what has to be that of a fairly large and obviously long suspension bridge spanning the equivalent of one of their "Grand Canyons".
According to most NASA types; This discovery is somehow all that of an illusion and, simply because everything is so freaking big and otherwise so damn hot all the time and, so much so that way, that creative lava simply got bored with simply poofing and sliding itself around on the ground (building those typically elevated piles and random cross country flows) like just about everywhere else on Venus and, otherwise proceeded as to sculpture extremely complex and highly intelligent looking as well as rationally organized elements into simply quite the most interesting structural looking geometrical formations (along with all sorts of apparent and rational looking inter-connecting infrastructure considerations to boot), just exactly like that vertically and substantially raised and fairly long and considerably flat top platform element (surrounded by all sorts of otherwise steep as well as typically mountainous rough terrain) yet offering somewhat uniform and quite stylish sub-bays of rounded corners, such bays are those which just happen to be facing onto other fairly stylish structural looking elements (those substantially vertical, squared off and some with rounded and even parabolic like features as well as such other complex examples of various other more reservoir like containments) of so many other symmetrical structural looking formations and otherwise, what even appears as there being some potential forms of on-deck equipment. Boy, that's some sort of ultra entertaining lava that NASA has never bothered once to catalogue for us and, too bad they can't seem to deliver upon one other such location on Venus or even as that from any planet, including Mars or Earth, that comes the least bit close to fulfilling these parameters, so that they might further restipulate once again that, all this on Venus is totally common as well as of purely natural formations and, furthermore as based upon all of these following fine observational examples: (OOPS, I forgot, after nearly 30 months and counting, it seems they still have no other such imaging examples).
Interestingly; I have discovered that such elevated territories and their associated (nighttime) atmospheres have apparently been those somewhat ignored (overlooked) by most of NASA's published instrumentation readings and, thereby offer fewer if any published studies thus far. So perhaps NASA must be simply doing their best at guessing at all this so called illusionary SAR imagery data (official guessing may be their only remaining recourse because it looks as though they probably screwed up again), and then perhaps they are also guessing at our meager understanding of what such an elevated environment may have to offer after 100+ hours [with 2800 more hours to go] or so into their total darkness of 2900 hours). Still, even though I can perceive and will even concede that nighttime is relatively hot or at least warm (by Earth standards) and therefore, perhaps this consistently warm to hot and acid stenchy environment (along with all the other evolutionary environmental effects), resulting from such long term solar exposure periods and that greenhouse impact, would have tailored their surviving planetary evolution towards being cold blooded and, then I would tend to believe somewhat cranky, as well as most likely having developed an armored or protective shell like nature, as fur or feathers sure couldn't offer all that much value and, human-like skins would not likely retain sufficient moisture (unless fully housed and/or underground during those 2900 daylight hours), where human like skin would easily blister and absorb far too much of that Venus heat as well as suffer from all that so called nasty acidic and gaseous (cough, cough, hack! hack!) atmospheric impact, as well as from all sorts of other issues including extended solar UV radiation damage. So, obviously at best, not that of thin skin but perhaps otherwise of vastly superior thick (elephant) hides if not most likely scales or better yet protective shell like. From what little I can comprehend, in such an environment, I believe that I would want a very good outer shield-like armor as well as that offering a fairly acid resistant coating of some form in order to protect myself.
Right here on Earth, we have human crews working unaided, deep into hot and actively gassing sulphur mines, breathing the same sulpher laden air that would choke you or myself to death, and yet, these acclimated individuals have been doing this hot and nasty work for decades as well as generations. If my livelihood depended upon it, I think I would adjust rather then die.
Speaking of shells and/or armor like coverings; taking a really close look at the New York cockroach (@50X), of what I like to call the Rambo variety and, under that 50X microscope, you just might begin to see the possibilities of a highly capable creature that even here on Earth has (obviously through thick and thin, extremes of hot and cold as well as radiation) survived the millions of years, then also has quickly adapted (recently having to evolve further due to human impact) into becoming nearly indestructible as far as most chemical attacks which could easily kill us humans and, to consider also their strength per weight ratio is a whole lot stronger and tougher then us humans (in every respect) and, probably a whole lot smarter at that. Another Earth creature is in the family of scorpion entities, capable of surviving long term sub freezing to near boiling (easily representing a 250 degree tolerance range) and, that's pertaining to life existing right here on Earth, of which we have catalogued perhaps all of 10%.
As existing on the planet Venus; I would have to believe survival instincts (given millions of years plus the fact at some past history the planet may have been somewhat orbiting in the range of where Earth is) would likely have been even more highly developed and, perhaps even a bit edgy. On a good day (back on Earth) and, certainly until I knew otherwise, I would not care to meet up in any back alley with the likes of those from Venus, I just might get my ass kicked or worse. Anything that could survive on Venus could very well have a really bad-ass-kicking attitude, and likely bad/toxic breath to boot.
Now, we could be talking about some really intense yet obviously intelligent creatures, which must obviously have evolved into being tolerant of their harsh environment, intelligent as to obviously constructing reservoirs, housing structures and various transportation infrastructure and, quite likely to having evolved physically so much tougher then we can possibly realize. I would also have to believe that any such inhabitance could be rather overly protective of their relatively narrow spectrum of livable space (perhaps as that limited to those higher elevations above 5 km) and, that territorial considerations may simply be a lot more intense then we could ever imagine. I for one would give them all the space they need and, a whole lot more, if that's what it takes to get along, even as to safely monitor their existence, as this is why I've specified a series of two-way interactive audio/video solutions (you can't be too safe aroud very big lizards).
Here is another interesting thought or two (what would you think would happen?);
When these Venus folks encounter their first evidence of frail pasty-faced obnoxiously intrusive outsiders (Earth humans), even if as merely being watched over from their recluse L2 or another Magellan satellite or possibly a bit more intrusive (such as utilizing robotic instrumentation landings offering two-way interactive view screens and verbal/audio communications, as a series of package touchdown's say at that GUTH Venus Inter-Planetary-Airport), and/or perhaps even the ultimate test of their resolve will present itself by our DNA eventually directly invading their space as well as their sacred high ground. Even if a robotic research exploration device of ours were merely to incorporate these various two-way audio/video communications utilities, so that we (from here on Earth as well as the L2 mission shuttle) could directly see and hear them, just as they could in turn see and hear us, what might their reactions be? and, what might our's be?, would we even want them knowing about us?, Exactly how thirsty have they become?.
Obviously such two-way audio/video communications robotics will need to acquire extended environmental capabilities and, those developing such instrumentation will soon realize this challenge and, I believe surpass the raw standards necessary so as to insure prolonged operation in such a warm to hot environment (I am not speaking of surviving fully exposed daylight hours, but merely the 2900 hour mountainous elevated area nighttime period). This concept from my standpoint and experience is merely a qualified guess, but, I would have to think a design target of at most 250°C could do the trick with hopefully another 50°C safety margin (remember; at 90 bar, even 150°C is far from boiling) and, I believe that our existing technologies are those sufficient for such a challenging assignment (including that of implementing Sterling heat exchanging). These instruments could very well deploy a reflective combination antenna/umbrella as an active artificial shade and/or solar UV power source, and thereby prolong the instrument's life well into the daylight hours. And just maybe, if we can be bit nice to others for once, those on Venus just might consider sheltering and thereby protecting our instruments. Wouldn't that be the kicker.
I believe that it's is entirely possible for Earth technologies to build for this mission, or at least retrofit one of our broken down old (30 year old battle wagons) shuttles for such an adventure. First, through implementing obvious extended life-support modifications and then by deploying this entire package initially into Earth orbit (obviously first docked at the ISS), and second; to further complete subsequent augmenting with attaching massive solar/radiation shielding and extra fuel and of course massive oxygen tankage. All of this additional shielding and other massive tankage appendages, as well as sufficient supplies and perhaps even a nuclear power plant or two, could be engineered and constructed largely by Russia and, then delivered into orbit by those incredibly good and reliable heavy lift Russian launch vehicles. Further mission support might incorporate other accompanying (manned or unmanned) support relay missions, which could obviously follow up with any number of relays as needed to support and replenish the primary mission (possibly even a manned relay with a crew change), at least so as to meet up with the primary mission prior to their return flight (offering sufficient fuel so as to really boost their holy heck out of there, and thus expedite their safe as well as prompt return to Earth). I know all of this is going to be expensive but, nowhere as costly as acquiring those multi-hundred-billion dollar microbes from Mars and, for the solution I have several ideas as to financing without much if any taxpayer support (after all, some taxpayers may no longer support these quest through NSA/DoD cloak and dagger agendas because, just look at where that has got us).
How about this; in place of a fully featured (yet to be fully developed,) re-entry and reusable assent craft, one capable obviously under it's own power, such as a considerably up-scaled version as from those near flawlessly accomplished multiple round trips to/from our lunar surface (way the hell back in those high-tech fly-by-wire days of the late 60's) or perhaps instead, I believe we should consider that of a somewhat safer as tried and proven re-entry methods and/or at least that of a lower-tech escape/assent technology (if to be considering the much heavier atmosphere and similar but 20% lessor gravity issues to that of Earth), and, perhaps this assent concept could simply involve that of an extremely large sphere (alloy skinned if need be), lightly pressurized with pure hydrogen (regulated @1.1 > 1.01 atmosphere, having a differential of perhaps only 0.15 internal psi at sealevel as here on Earth and obviously much lessor while existing/traveling in space). This somewhat crude yet lower cost concept could easily become sufficient to lower and/or at least sufficiently useful as to raise a relatively heavy shuttle/scout like craft. Utilizing hydrogen (as the most easily obtainable element anywhere in the universe) as the assent technology necessary to reach the upper most atmosphere, where a somewhat smaller specialized shuttle/scout would then be released and thus most easily capable of obtaining final orbit, so as to eventually reconnect with the mother shuttle at station L2 (not that the L2 station couldn't leave it's position in order to expedite connecting with the ascending scout shuttle). Remember, that all of this effort (if need be) would be sufficiently shadowed by the planet (a minimum 2900 hour window of opportunity which could obviously be further extended by continuously re-establishing the somewhat stationary L2 position in relation to the solar exposure, which at representing 95+% diameter, Venus offers a fairly respectable 89% shade factor from the sun). The onboard (most likely externally attached) nuclear power plant modules would offer the main station-keeping shuttle the all essential energy in order to properly deal with the mission, including extended cold of having to exist at the L2 station point.
By the way and, speaking of pure hydrogen gas. In most any concentration, hydrogen is anything but dangerous and, even at somewhat lessor concentrations, hydrogen requires the utmost precise mixture of Oxygen before there could possibly be any safety concerns and, about the possibility of lighting, sorry, there is apparently insufficient moisture for even that possibility plus apparently none ever recorded by instruments but, it would still be a non-issue even at that. My latest thoughts are this, Firestone really needs a great PR campaign and, sponsoring this Hydrogen sphere could be just the ticket, just as I could think of all sorts of other commercial enterprises that would likely jump at any chance of sponsoring major phases of this mission. Think not; then please take the time to tell me why.
Financing the majority of this project through joint efforts with the Russian and Chinese would be like obtaining nearly everything at 10 for 1, especially considering some of their equally if not better skilled workers and their obscenely low pay scales (nearly non existent as compared to NASA's pay standards and benefits) and otherwise absolute minimal other overhead, as that currently available from Russia and, unlike NASA, lets face it, their space delivery cost per 100 metric ton is a mere fraction of what we can manage and, I also believe vastly more reliable per dollar. Then most importantly, I do not believe Russia nor even China would be none too proud to turn down such an opportunity. Another important aspect of financing is naturally going to be the privet paying passenger, perhaps a dozen or so which I honestly believe would be willing to cough up 100 million per ticket. Other privet enterprise may make this the first for-serious-profit space expedition.
A really long space trip (not so long if we simply had our act together):
At the correct timing, a manned (round trip) Venus mission could potentially be compressed into 6 months. Of course we are talking about some seriously high speed and extended travel time (frequent flyer miles should be worth a fortune), but not so much that the crew and passengers couldn't eventually return. Should this mission exceed 18 months or even a few years, what the hay, that's why the crew would get the really big bucks (I'm thinking of paying out a million US bucks per crew member per mission year), and what makes you think any lack of crew volunteers would ever be an issue, some (most) would even pay their own way (just ask Tito). Now, I'm not suggesting a large body of armed to the teeth (Rambo like Dirty Harry's), noooooo, just your average down-home individuals trained as to support the team effort... I, for one, do not believe that we should even sponsor a language interpreter at this first encounter (at least not necessarily onboard) as remote (via two-way long distance) communications should suffice and, I sure as hell don't want to suggest having anything or anyone political or the least bit religious onboard, unless you wanted to start our first inter-planetary war(s) and, that also means no NSA/DoD.
In order to achieve this mission (to "Hell and Back"), the flight crew(s) (at least three and possibly as many as six individuals, would perform their zoo keeping shifts) could be induced into sleeping more then half of the way (lets say averaging 16 hours per day), then perhaps playing strip poker the rest of the time (just kidding). Continuous multi-channel audio/video communications and therefore crew and passenger entertainment should no longer pose any new challenges, reliable power generation for safely operating everything for even 10 years should also be a non issue and, accommodating a few hundred metric tons of food, water and air supplies can't possibly represent any serious concern. So, what the heck have we been waiting for ? Global syndication of this "true adventure" could commercially sponsor a large portion, if not the entire package.
First off, I'll certainly be the one to concede that our Venus team(s) may in fact barely manage to escape with the skin of their teeth, as a lot could go wrong on the way to/from Venus, let alone if they even come close enough to attempting any manned landing. I would have to believe that our first encounter may be somewhat isolated (mostly L2 shuttle bound) and otherwise dependent upon the remote instrumentation deployments as our first and safest interface and, only then if all goes well, who knows.
For argument sake; What would our very own NASA/NSA/DoD do if, let us say, Mars or Venus were to drop one of their highly advanced snooping devices onto Earth?, I'm not sure, but I'll just bet we would first capture it and quickly place the dam thing into one of our deepest and strongest doomsday silo's, then as far as Mars or Venus could tell, they simply lost contact (again!).
Now what if the before mentioned were to happen to our Venus mission device(s),,, will now,,, by having our shuttle stationed or essentially in the L2 orbit about Venus, the crew would simply make a few modifications to their next deployments, perhaps adding a few different trinkets such as colored beads, some mirrors, and how about imported water (that alone should be worth more gold), and then, there is always the option of tossing in a few family photos of mostly naked people, just maybe a copy or two of "Play Boy" and redeploy with all of that, then sit back and see what happens. Then, if they should really start coming after us, we simply xerox a few butts, tossing those out along with the garbage before we leave orbit and head home, and hopefully never having to go back there again.
OK,,, maybe this was not such a good idea after all.
Perhaps universal humor is our best and safest recourse (even though this humor method may have to exclude NASA types). A true test might be to pipe them a few translated sitcoms and a little slapstick (MAD, SNL or REAL TV might just do the trick, or not), and a circus act or two and translations thereof. Then, if they in fact show no sense of humor, once again, pack everything up and get the hell out of there. The last thing we need right about now is having to deal with any new civilizations that may not agree with our warped/bent sense of humor or vice versa.
I'm open for your suggestions, all sorts (good or bad), and I believe NASA really needs your input (and of course while you're at it, be prepared to fork over all your money) more then ever, and even more so with regard to mostly (I would think) what's in it for them?, and then what exactly do we really expect to find?, What else is likely to be discovered?, and then it's commercial worth?, and at the very least; What is possible? (absolutely anything, I would think). Perhaps you should simply tell me what to do, then I'll work with your hopefully better ideas, developing them into a probable situation/mission plan.
Tickets for this grand Venus trip (perhaps as few as 12 passengers + 6 to 8 crew) are some day soon going on sale; The initial entry/security deposit of 10 million is likely to be required (non-refundable and you must obviously be physically qualified unless you are merely sponsoring someone other that is qualified), A lottery or auction will be considered for perhaps two or more of the twelve available passenger positions, and of those selected (based upon many factors), at least 90 additional million will be required of each upon their accepting their actual final DNA-boarding pass. Official crew will each be compensated by one million (US$) per mission year. Various corporate sponsors are also going to have pay (big time) their own way, and remember, the 24/7 coverage of this potentially multi-year event is perhaps going to become the ultimate (for real) televised survival and extreme experience show. This extreme trip "To HELL and Back" is likely to challenge every humanly known religion as well as philosophy (tightly confined for 6 months and perhaps as much as two years, passengers, as well as crew may require a lot of hemp and prozac to effectively pull this one off).
e-mail: Brad Guth __ 1-253-8576061
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