This has become a story that NASA desperately wants others to believe is fiction, as based purely upon an illusion of a certified village idiot, as one that was further exaggerated by an unqualified individual that can't possibly recognize, let alone evaluate, the most basic of commonalities of lava flows and erosions of naturally formed channels, especially of those commonly to be found just about everywhere as examples of what's so natural for Venus, except for creating massively complex and of community like and otherwise enormously sized structural looking elements that were somehow (according to pro-NASA types) clearly formulated by your most basic lava flows plus whatever crystalizations and erosions, of otherwise being entirely comprised of your typical patterns induced from expected tectonic considerations.

As according to those sorts of skewed NASA records, such common considerations affected all other similar areas, of which as they have stipulated as clearly existing virtually everywhere you wanted to look, at least on the planet Venus, as otherwise there's oddly absolutely nothing the least bit similar on Earth. NASA and their communities of astronomy and astrophysics also expects you to believe this same unqualified individual (by the way; that's me) could not possibly have interpreted and/or determined what these or any other satellite viewed shapes represent, especially as if they're to be representing anything remotely artificial, let alone for depicting of such significant structures which are clearly indicated as their having incorporated a highly rational community like infrastructure.

The challenge is obviously that you alone must decide, but then NASA will not ever accept your decision if it differs from their's (that's purely because of what other issues I've uncovered, having nothing whatsoever to do with the planet Venus), so the real question might be;  what exactly is the point of all this?

Actually, a perfectly good point has become that having to do with our near future, as for offering an obtainable exploration destination, one that will likely first become that of a brief 18 month trial stopover or pitstop at Venus L2, along with a deployment of a few (Magellan II class) research/mapping satellites and hopefully a couple of those interactive two-way audio/video surface probe deployments (just to verify if these natives are sufficiently friendly or at least capable of having a sense of humor).