In as few words as possible; There is life on Venus because
1) Venus wasn't always so hot and nasty (conceivably or perhaps most likely Venus started itself off as further away from the sun, possibly even parked somewhat temporarily via EL1+VL2).
2) The consensus is that Venus once held it's surface water, as in lakes and rivers, perhaps even a small ocean or two (not absolutely every erosion pattern is lava formed).
3) Terraforming certainly works differently for planets other than Earth, where Venus would have become a far greater challenge or perhaps it wasn't supposed to turn out that way.
4) The onset or timeline of any greenhouse environment shift took at least thousands of years (some have been stipulating millions of years).
5) Other life (perhaps NOT as we know it) obviously didn't just roll over and die, simply because it was getting a little toasty.
6) At 0.1K degree increase per year, in order to evolve from a tropical moist 300K to a scorching 720K, this transition would have taken 4,200 years (hardly noticeable to the average lifespan). Actually as tempered by a good nighttime surface pressure of nearly 100 Bar, even at -5 km 750K is not nearly as hot as you think.
7) Darwin or his predecessor clone of evolution could just as well have had some positive impact upon other life, long before life as we know of on Earth existed (more than half the time we don't seem to know of or understand what life on Earth has to offer anyway, at least not until it too late).
8) As for improving these terraforming odds; Other star systems certainly have their life capable planets, there's only a few billion of those to chose from.
9) The Venus of today offers a multitude of natural as well as geologically active energy resources, as well as a multi beneficially serving atmosphere.
10) That atmosphere is terrifically blocking solar flare radiation, thus Venus doesn't need a magnetic core nor any stinking Van Allen Belts.
10a) Whatever harmful radiation the atmosphere and of clouds fail to block, the extended nighttime season permits nocturnals to survive in spite of it all.
10b) Probably their only industry to bite the dust on Venus was their snow skiing resorts, as those simply could keep up with the greenhouse, as now those runs are for the adventurous in toasty hang gliding or perhaps even free fall sky diving (remember that there are some 17+km mountains on Venus and a damn good atmospheric density to surf upon).
11) Those clouds of Venus supposedly hold great amounts of sulphur but, as such they also contain and seemingly retain the planet's mega tonnes of H2O.
11a) Acquiring and subsequently distilling out pure H2O is efficiently accomplished by nighttime airship gathering up some of the lower cloud content and then vacuum boiling and subsequent distillation at hardly any energy.
12) The lower atmosphere is terrifically thick or deep as well as dense, thus buoyancy is downright excellent, especially for rigid airships.
13) The atmosphere offers a 50/50 CO2/O2 waypoint at roughly 150 km daytime, situated much lower during their nighttime, thus providing a working gradient of O2.
14) Life as we know it (as humans), under the environment of such terrific pressure can be sustained upon 1% or lesser O2 (that's no lie).
15) Life NOT as we know it can most likely be sustained upon lesser than 0.1% O2, especially through evolution and/or applied technology is something well within the realm of believable possibilities.
16) Conduction mode heat is entirely relative to pressure and the mediums and/or methods of isolation, where more pressure sustains more life at greater levels of heat.
17) The planetary thermal balance is such that surely all (100%) of the accumulated daytime solar impact (roughly 2600 watts/m2/hr) is expelled throughout the extended season of nighttime.
17a) I don't mean to being presumptuous but, 2600 watt/m2/hr (especially at the sphere of those clouds) is certainly representing a good deal of nighttime heat exchanging going on, thus inducing vertical thermals and the resulting cloud patters which clearly indicates the turbulence of such thermal activity. With that sort of ongoing energy release, there's more natural energy available than you can shake a flaming stick at and, I've heard it said more than once, with a little energy one can devise solutions to just about anything (except for resolving human stupidity, as that's become a lost cause).
17b) I've learned that heat/energy can not be destroyed, only altered and/or transferred to somewhere else. Also that heat simply can not be stored without measurable transfer/loses. The daytime solar IR obviously heats the clouds which in turn heats the atmosphere (upper as well as lower) which in turn heats the planet surface. It is not possible for any planet (clouds or not) to keep only accepting heat, as the planet would surely explode, of which Venus hasn't, thus the extended nighttime season allows accumulated heat (all of it) to vent or expand, so as to exchange it's energy into the sub freezing darkness of the nighttime sky that's obviously well above those thinner as well as much cooler nighttime clouds.
18) The season of nighttime is 2900+ hours worth, as is their season of daytime (ample time allotment for effective nocturnal migrations, presumably that's via their metro airship service, at least that's what I'd be doing).
19) The nighttime surface temperature of 5 km elevated territories are lesser than 625K, that's still damn hot but, it's entirely within many perceived limits, especially considering upon the factor of pressure.
19a) There is no finite stopping or leveling off point of surface cool-down, as the timeline/gradient is a continuing process until sunrise starts the re-heating cycle. The near surface atmosphere is somewhat cooler than the nighttime surface of Venus (daytime atmosphere is obviously warmer than the surface). At some point in elevation and sufficiently deep into the season of nighttime, there's certainly ample opportunity for those temperatures to plumet further than previously recorded.
20) R-200 thermal insulation performance is quite doable with sufficient H2 spheres surrounded by bone dry N2, where this is about as good as insulation gets (remember that we're not having to deal with much IR).
21) Thermal insulation considerations on and/or near the surface of Venus are those mostly of a lesser conduction mode, where little if any IR need be reckoned with, especially throughout their extended season of nighttime.
22) All sorts of energy can be easily derived directly from the mostly CO2 atmosphere, as with powerful kinetics obtained from the vertical pressure and thermal differentials.
22a) Even though the mostly CO2 atmosphere is a gas phase as opposed to a solid, never the less it's certainly infinite and thus quite comparable to the hydrodynamics of producing electricity, where the kinetics is many fold improved over anything Earth and more than 15 thousand fold improved above anything Mars. Good grief folks or perhaps NASA idiots, that's a lot of energy.
23) Fuel and oxidiser derived energy can also be directly obtained from the mostly CO2 atmosphere, as from accomplishing CO2-->CO/O2 conversions. I know the physics of this works because, our NASA records clearly stipulates so.
24) Further energy can be derived from those clouds, by extracting H2O via efficient vacuum distillation, later creating tonnes of pure H2O2 and simply volumes of H2 upon demand (this isn't even rocket science, more like the science of "duh").
25) Energy can also be derived from all sorts of geothermal differentials comprised from the ambient heat as well as active lava or of mud flows and/or of the hydrodynamics of surface fluid hydraulics (obviously those are fluids other than pure H2O). Even of the daytime UV can be converted into electrons.
26) With a little energy, one can certainly modify and/or improve upon their personal environment, to nearly any extent (this is raw physics, no longer rocket science and, even NASA's record stipulates it's so).
27) Mining and/or drilling for subsurface minerals and/or oil/coal like deposits should prove as being highly efficient, especially of any subsequent processing, as you certainly don't have to import any heat.
28) The technology of airships (rigid H2/N2 format) is not even remotely rocket science (it's very old science and even older physics) and, it's more likely of what should have come quite naturally, even onto a village idiot.
29) With airships, you obviously don't need any scorching hot cross country highways, as that would be really Earthly stupid (of course what's new about that?), considering that airships are so efficient (no grid lock, no tolls, just the wide open crystal clear and calm ocean of mostly CO2, being so much cooler as well).
30) Storage of certain fluids like H2O needs merely a slight pressurization, as in being contained within those structurally efficient spheres.
31) There's a perfectly viable concept that Venus may have joined our solar system at a different timeline than Earth or even Mars, as there's absolutely no evidence of one supposed BANG ever did it for creating our solar system.
31a) Not even our asphalt reflective moon is anything at all like Earth, in fact it's a whole lot more likely associated with the introduction of Mars if not Venus than Earth (perhaps even somewhat more terraformed than not, as in intentionally placed so that it doesn't rotate and, so that it intentionally balances out the solar gravity with regard to Earth's rotation and thus stabilizing Earth's tides as well as somehow balancing Earth tectonics, as without gravity issues, there's lesser or perhaps no tectonics unless your a thermonuclear star).
32) Time has been on the side of Venus, as well as for it's motivation to survive, so that perhaps evolution and/or genetic expediting took place as though there were no tomorrow.
33) Those artificial looking attributes of "GUTH Venus" have not been otherwise identified as anything potentially natural, at least nothing from volumes of Earth's sciences upon geology nor can physics explain away their highly structured as well as community infrastructure attributes as being some new found laws upon tectonics, erosions and/or of lava flows that allude gravity.
34) Those very strong community like associations and of highly symmetrical geometry as well as rational flow of associated infrastructure are way more so indicating of artificial than not.
34a) Only a pagan worshiping warlord would suggest otherwise, which is what's been happening all along, ever since December 2000. When I asked of others to better explain upon these issues (apply their expertise), yet all I've received is their flak and orchestrated "spin" and subsequent "damage control", as though I'm too stupid to put two and two together, like hopefully the rest of America is sufficiently stupid, as otherwise our NASA is seriously and terminally sick, as in contracting AIDS from all their cloaking on behalf of NSA/DoD/CIA agendas (I believe this is called payback).
35) The mere logistics or structured layout of those massive reservoirs is simply undocumented as well as unprecedented under every recorded instance of such complex items being identified as anything but artificial.
36) The tarmac which seems to offer machinery on deck is quite sophisticated, having under side service bays facing not only away from the canyon/rille but clearly towards the township, offering features clearly indicating perpendicular walls, rounded bay corners and a support arch which clearly spans the respective portion under-side of the tarmac.
37) The likely suspension bridge crossing over that canyon/rille is certainly long and substantial, nothing wossy about their bridges, certainly nothing all that natural either.
38) The nearby silo/hangar having a very complex roof plus such a large hatch/door, under which is a good portion of a relatively massive rigid airship, far bigger than anything Earth.
39) Near this airship are those two distinctly symmetrical rows of large spheres, most likely tanks of fuels and/or oxidiser, the likelihood of H2 and H2O2, as clearly recessed into the rugged mountain side, oddly as on either side (now folks, how freaking natural is that, I can't hardly believe this is anything but artificial).
40) There are what certainly looks like large parabolics, vertically poised and facing West, situated near to another upward looking or 90 degree dish with it's spire or perhaps transceiver tower (this need not be anything radio).
41) There are local causeways that clearly intersect, tangent as with regard to 90 degree features and of further overpass and/or bridge consideration that seem to boldly exist where supposedly nothing should, at least nothing all that natural.
42) As I've stipulated regarding energy, to operate such surface equipment as even within what's currently available here on Earth; for example, a relatively powerful electric motor/generator which has operated reliably within the hot (811+K) section of a turbine engine has a done deal and, we obviously don't have an environment of need other than what's inside a flaming power turbine.
Line items 43 through 100 are equally important but, would likely consume too much of your valuable idea bashing time and could surely raise further questions as to why our present day sciences and physics have been avoiding the subject matter of Venus as well as the opportunities.
As I've previously stated within many other reports, as regarding these more likely artificial than not attributes, these items could have become by now a good representation of what once was, thus remains of such civilization which should be nearly as important as any ongoing status. At least this research is not about any frozen and otherwise seriously radiated to death consideration as offered by Mars and, if anyone actually went to Venus, at least we will not have to bring along the energy in order to survive, just lots of beer and pizza plus a few tonnes of water to exchange for massive diamonds of equal weight (I'd buy that).
In case you're still a little new and naive into this tit for tat game which our NASA has instigated by their blatant and orchestrated avoidance, I'll again offer this updated but simplified intro page:
Also for your ongoing entertainment or perhaps aggravation:
or how about a little "just because" and/or "Boeing/TRW laser calling":