In spite of what's within your textbook(s) and countless thousands of other spendy research and reference publications, what we seem to have here is yet another holy grail discovery of sorts, except this time around it's those pesky laws of physics helping to resolve yet another "what if" as regarding a little energy production and/or usage thereof, with the following facts focused upon producing and utilizing such energy while being situated on Venus, and of the fact that this energy phase should really not have been all that difficult to comprehend, hardly even rocket science unless you're claiming a mental disability because of your skewed American education that forbids any applications that includes terms, formula or any phrase containing CO/O2 or H2.
On this page, I'm simply skipping over as to how I've gotten myself to this point, and because most of my loyal critics claim they're not smart enough as to decipher my dyslexic encryption anyway and besides all of that, they're still so freaking awe struck and/or snookered if not thoroughly dumbfounded by way of all those poorly documented and even worst instrumented, yet somehow masterful fly-by-wire Apollo missions, so much so that they simply can't see nor even think outside their tiny little "nondisclosure" box. Although, as for their being within a nitch expertise certainly offers it's advantages, and especially as for morally speaking, as in hearing no evil, seeing no evil and they can't even smell the evil that's within their own pants, though perhaps there should always be a forth of those monkey sensory deficiencies of "taste no evil", at least with any regard to all the brown stuff that's covering their faces, which may only reapply as yet another benefit onto something other, especially once they're all being forced into eating spoiled crow and a whole lot worse.
Airship Main/Auxiliary (IRRCE) Power Plant Configuration for using CO/O2:
This is also about supposedly nice folks merely being and/or intentionally acting as though they're dumb and dumber, as for their otherwise being absolutely dumbfounded beyond belief, and if I could think of anything that would better outline what a pack of incest morons seem to exist within our NASA, that we seem to have continually at our disposal, I'd gladly share that opinion as well.
Unless there's been some new 4th dimensional law of physics discovered that's capable of politically and/or conditionally excluding the usage of those otherwise common 3D laws of physics when applied to Venus or even that of our moon, whereas perhaps we'll otherwise have to settle for that of discovering upon some scientific magic act of further usage of those Apollo smoke and mirrors going on, as surely there's absolutely nothing that isn't a done deal with regard to extracting energy from the Venus atmosphere, thus obtaining energy on location and then for using said energy in order to improve upon one's chances of surviving while situated on or about Venus. Perhaps this being somewhat like the disclosure of the raw physics of duh and double duh upon our NASA.
Good grief folks, we already know it supposedly so humanly hot and nasty on Venus, but with said energy and merely half a village idiot brain, that hot and nasty little inconvenience can be fixed. At least as for residing on Venus where at least your butt will not be pulverized nore TBI to death, as would be the case for Mars and much worse off for that of being situated on the moon. Chances are also fairly good that no meteorite is likely to impale your body either, whereas upon the moon is where a couple of grams moving along at 10 km/s = 400e6 joules, that'll surely do a whole lot more harm than penetrate any stinking moon suit that's not been constructed out of inches worth of uranium. In fact a micro-meteorite or even that of a mere dust-bunny becomes downright lethal.
Just like on Earth, except far better, the Venus atmosphere offers a terrific opportunity of direct CO/O2 combustion, even though this would take some technology to ignite, it's doable. For example; using electrons to excite the CO2 is certainly a good start, though that's creating a wee bit too much energy that's going a wee bit too fast, such as 300,000 km/s too fast as for any power turbine we currently have (unless we're getting ourselves into some sort of ultra-light reflective spectrum morph of power turbines).
Extracting the likes of H2O from those terrifically cool and thick nighttime clouds isn't rocket science, then processing such into creating something easily storable like H2O2 is another rather obvious solution, that when such is subsequently introduced into the CO/O2 hearth we obtain a good degree of added combustion along with roughly twice the energy. Although, since the volume of H2O2 must be stored as fuel/oxidiser and of this having a fair amount of density, whereas there's some rational consideration for using H2O2 as only for initial start up and then perhaps for whatever necessary boost on demand requirements, as otherwise the surrounding medium of CO2-->CO/O2 is certainly going to offer more than sufficient resource as accommodating the primary IRRCE fuel and oxidiser, that which a rocket/turbine engine can subsequently reproduce into a great deal of rotational shaft energy, and from extraction from just of what's surrounding the rigid airship that's making everything so damn buoyant.
This would be somewhat like the notion of having one of our submarines as being fueled along by the surrounding ocean, which actually isn't such a half-baked notion if you're sufficiently into fusion reactors. Whereas the likes of preheated CO2 is so much better off than saltwater when it comes down to being a reusable as fuel and oxidiser.
ISP/kg Becomes nearly Infinity: The final power stage is simply that of any good rocket powered radial type power turbine, or perhaps an IRRCE format. This is applying your basic rocket style brute force at it's best and, it actually works darn good with the sorts of densities provided by CO/O2, thus achieving relatively high energy conversion, even though efficiency isn't hardly a consideration when you don't have to specifically haul about much if any of the CO/O2 because you're able to extract and process the surrounding CO2-->CO/O2 on demand.
For a given target amount of energy output (say 27,000 SHP or roughly 20E6 watts), this engine portion is not all that large; (including the combustion chambers and whatever insulation) perhaps at most 3 meters in diameter (+ whatever dual exhaust ducts) and, by not more then 6 meters in length), whereas a great deal of even this bulk is obviously thermal insulation related. With the abount of available space and tonnage being nearly unlimited, even 50 to 100 MW is doable.
BTW; thermal insulation of what a basalt composite can deliver being R-1024/m should rest any thermal concerns. That plus a little ceramic and/or silica compounds and we've got way more than what necessary for surrounding this CO/O2 combustion hearth.
The co2-->co/o2 process compressors, at most a pair of sequential radial stages are somewhat (considerably) smaller in their diameter than of the turbine power stages, and all toll perhaps not representing much more then 4 meters worth of the LOA consideration.
Each of these radial compressor stages utilizes variable inlet stators as well as exit stators and/or bypass arrangements so as to fine tune and/or throttle each radial stage from 2<20:1, thereby enabling combined compression ratios of 4:1 upto achieving a conservative overall 400:1 compression ratio as only necessary for accommodating those astronomy flights ranging anywhere from 50 km to 75 km or perhaps greater. At as little as 5km for example, we may be requiring merely 6:1 in order to sufficiently process upon all that available tonnage of compressed co2, say to be processing out 100~200 kg/s of co/o2.
There are some rather obvious high pressure piping (ducting) and of various other process transitions situated between those compressors and of those multi-fueled combustion chambers, amounting to perhaps another 3 or 4 meters worth, though space nor overall engine weight simply isn't all that much of any real factor when you've got 65 kg/m3 worth of buoyancy as offset to work with. Think of this rigid airship buoyancy of being somewhat like outfitting one of our submarines to fly, whereas if anything should you not want to fly you'll be needing all the weight you can possibly get, so at this point don't worry yourself about how much space nor weight, as within any such massive airship that's offering a minimum of 180 meters diameter and a LOA of perhaps 1200 meters, accommodating whatever space and weight are not in short supply.
Aft of the power turbine stage there are those required planetary reductions that must exist so as to deliver the maximum output of 240 RPM. This transmission (speed reductions including shaft couplings) is not requiring more then 2 meters worth of length and, it's certainly 98% energy efficient if not better. As for the seals beining ceramic and even ball bearings of ceramics is simply an off-the-shelf solution as for fully accommodating the hot and nasty environment.
Hybrid engines such as this would obviously depend upon utilizing hybrid ceramic bearings, much like types we currently utilize in equally hot and nasty situations, thus whatever associated rolling friction is extremely minimal, especially if the planetary gear-box interiors are displaced with the likes of H2 or otherwise just a good vacuum of perhaps 0.1 bar will keep their internal windage to a minimum. Actually, the notion of floating bearings upon the available CO2 gas itself could also become just the ticket.
All total (LOA); including the somewhat massive and acoustical inlet ducting, this power plant and of it's gear/reductions amounts to no more than 24 or so meters worth of length overall worth of configuration (not really all that big considering it's sitting in the aft of a 180X1200+ meter or even larger airship). That's merely occupying less than 1% the volume of this craft.
A bit further aft, essentially at the end of the primary composite hallow torque shaft, is another final 8:1 or perhaps 10:1 reduction that's delivering it's final energy/torque onto a pair of counter-rotating 140~150 meter diameter fans (of 16 fixed or perhaps variable blades each). This outfitting being one serious form of counter-rotating turboprop fan application. My personal preference is for the primary counter-rotating rotors being of fixed pitch, and of an in-between set of stators being the variable consideration, whereas between these enormous counter rotating turboprop fans is that of an outer perimeter worth of at least 50% coverage (90 meters out to the 150 meter tip diameter) of variable stators and, if you don't understand what these stators are for, you can just stop reading because the rest of this topic will simply be going right over your head.
Since this is a fully ducted aft propulsion arrangement, those variable stators are structurally situated as protruding inward from the inner circumference of that aerodynamic cowling/airfoil which entirely surrounds the primary rotors.
About keeping all your lizard folk crew and their ice cream from melting away
The essential cabin area(s) that needs to initially become environmentally controlled and thereby at least lizard folk user friendly, out of a total area of 22.5E6 m3, only about 1 million m3 is atually necessary for being occupied and thereby sufficiently insulated (basalt composite R-1024/m) then obviously having that zone fully air conditioned. As the main energy systems come on line, as such terrific amounts of surplus compressed co2 is made available, other areas of this massive airship (up to 7.5E6 m3 worth) of its' interior can be chilled to damn near any temperature (obviously of the h2 containment and for the bulk of other surrounding n2/o2 gases need not be chilled, as that would simply be counter productive for buoyancy). Some of this heat-exchanging or BTU extraction can be applied as further CO2-->CO/O2 process, and/or for further heating whatever interior buoyancy gas.
As Venus class air conditioning goes, this application is one of a rather simple solution, as for taking bleed-off from the first and/or second radial compressor is basically utilizing that raw co2 commodity like a form of compressed freon, except it's far better than freon as being that of a highly thermally conductive element that's harboring only a relatively small amount of n2. This compressed gas is now merely heat-exchanged via conventional (admittedly high pressure rated alloy) radiators, losing the majority of whatever compressed heat build up that initially resulted in creating a CO2 resource of perhaps at least 2000°K and, effectively returning this co2 back down to as little as 750°K but at the added differential of at least one atmosphere (1100 psi), that's if we were still situated at 5 km.
By merely bleeding off a few tonnes per minute of that highly compressed co2, then basic heat exchanging via that equally thermally conductive outside co2 atmosphere, then via piping this compressed but sufficiently cooled end product into whatever number of cabin evaporator/expansion radiators which merely vent to the exterior, now you have obtained more damn cooling BTU's then you could ever know what to do with and, best of all, there is absolutely no need as for providing any return piping circuits, and of absolutely no lubrication because, your cabin air conditioners merely discharge everything as either directly back towards the IRRCE engine process and/or vent directly to the exterior (most likely all of this co2 exhaust remains sufficiently cool as to substantially manage thermal cooling of other portions of the hull, by way of merely continuing the remaining heat-exchanging equalization process prior to it's final release into the external atmosphere) and, there's never once a worry about running out of available co2.
Ample refrigeration and thereby unlimited air conditioning has never been so bloody generic and of simple cycle efficiency, although as for having half a brain that's not entirely stuck deep within some overflowing NASA space toilet is a fundamental requirement. As when I had asked for assistance from the folks that apparently know "all there is to know" about such matters of heat-exchanging, all I received was their dumb and dumber dumfounded excuses if not loads of their warm and fuzzy flak.
As a brief reference into what your typical radial type compressors can achieve:
Products such as those from Turbomeca have long been offering their radial compressor designs obtaining 15:1 (I believe those of P&W are even better), and that's compressing upon a pathetically thin Earth atmosphere, and not of the much denser and thereby more efficient to compress co2, and of those Turbomeca products are not even utilizing continuously controlled guide vanes (variable stators). Conceivably, each of our radial compressors can certainly become those exceeding 20:1 ratios, as applied upon the much denser co2 and thereby operating at substantially lesser RPM, of which two stages could therefore bring something that's exceeding a combined 400:1.
My point has become this; that of nearly whatever the process of co2 compression requirements should become (even for proficient operation within as little as 0.25 bar altitudes that exist above the cloud covered nighttime season of Venus), if going by merely Earthly technology standards, of our existing equipment that would be up to the task of delivering those necessary tonnes per minute of co2 and, at that delivery rate of easily exceeding 750 bar if need be and, I'm not at all certain they'll even need half that much. So, absolutely nothing needs to be re-invented, at least not out of such thick air, sort of speak. Not even the CO2-->CO/O2 process is un-invented, so I have only the utmost contempt for those folks continually objecting to the notions that with a little such intelligence (obviously even that's far better off than anything Earth has to offer) that life that we obviously do not wish to understand that's surviving on Venus, in fact should have survived their past onset of greenhouse environment, which by the way still doesn't have to imply their including anything as pathetically crude as radio.
This is where the h2o2 and perhaps even a little c12h26 comes into play. After all, co/o2 (according to the likes of Geoffrey A. Landis among others) is a wee bit difficult to ignite, as either you would need to have a fair amount of highly compressed co and o2 stored onboard and/or a little help from a friendly amount of extremely clean burning h2o2/c12h26 (after all, on Venus you really don't want to be producing any more co2 then you have to, as those lizard folk members of their Greenpiece activist groups can be downright nasty about such added pollution, especially when for centuries prior to their being entirely greenhouse was where the Greenpiece lizards were the only ones trying to save their world, whereas now they can truthfully say "I TOLD YOU SO", then pull out a phaser cannon and eliminate you on the spot for merely exhaling biological co2 and/or for otherwise venting co flatulence without a permit, or at least without having an exchange credit like what our resident warlord [GW Bush] would rather stipulate upon than actually clean anything up).
The engine room has suddenly become quite (as in skull splitting noise) violently noisy due to the ambient atmospheric density of at least 75 bar, thus creating 150 db at idle and, at full power don't even ask because, that's why it's situated in the rear and most everyone else is residing within that 100 meter nose pod, situated at least 1000 meters away from all this horrifically acoustical noise. Otherwise this engine room area is simply chuck full of various thermal and pressure management chambers, outfitted and interfaced with large and substantially thick walled insulated piping (most likely those insulated by that of basalt composites and ceramic coated wherever needed) so as to contain all that super heated co2 and, obviously configured as to effectively processing upon that compressed and obviously damn hot commodity, making it ready for the co2-->co/o2 transition, as of the co/o2 portions being delivered into those multiple engine combustors, already thoroughly pre-ignited with the 4000°K fires generated by the initial 7.5:1 h2o2/c12h26 cocktail and being continually further excited by way of laser cannon ignitions.
BTW; those nifty laser cannons firing into the individual IRRCE chambers are also mixing and thoroughly atomising whatever is withinn as to burn, thus absolutely nothing is of residue that's not become a serious amount of thermal energy and thereby thrust output worthy of the task at hand.
Eventually the fuel and oxidizer demands become a mixture of mostly the co/o2 combustion process and perhaps just a slight bit of the h2o2/c12h26 as needed for stabilizing and of whenever another significant power punch is necessary, as well as probably for minimizing pollution from this 50+MW class engine. As for exchanging co2 pollution credits in order to fly this massive airship is perhaps what all of their wars have been fought over, so, whatever can be engineered and accomplished as to burn the co/o2 as clean and efficiently as possible is the order of the day and, whereas on Venus a given day or season of nighttime either way means one hell of a long time. Actually the bulk of airship cruising is likely accomplished within their nighttime season, though their nighttime isn't nearly as hot nor a pitch dark as we humans would like to think, whereas any decent nocturnal lizard heathen sort should be able to see just fine and dandy.
Fortunately; as for those metro airship owners, their crew and a few thousand other of their heathen passengers taken onboard this airship, most of their flights are those taken at night. As nightfall (nearly all of 2900 hours worth) brings much cooler surroundings (especially at elevations above 5 km) along with somewhat lower cloud tops and even less cloud density and perhaps some semi-transparent zones, where at times this airship may need only to clime to as little as 30 km in order to get a perfectly clear shot at the stars and, an even a whole lot closer look-see at truly pathetic Earth that's recently become a whole lot more concerned over stealth donkey-carts than whatever Venus has to offer. However, with a little further ballast removal, perhaps by simply discharging a few thousand metric tonnes worth of their own waste products that'll subsequently become dispersed and thoroughly sterilized long before hitting the deck, the airship should easily accomplish 75 km if not easily capable of exceeding 200 knots, sort of going like a very large bat out of hell.
Nose up 5º, full power on means that stators are configured towards achieving an overall 225:1 compression (at 2 bar exterior atmosphere, even that's still delivering 450 bar worth of co/o2 [not even including any h2o2 contributions] and, if their captain Kirk should need a little more, I'm sure their engineer Scotty can manage to come up with it, with a little fine tuning on those inlet stators and increasing the RPM's should be capable of achieving a 300:1 capability), by way of just taking in that mostly co2 atmosphere. However folks, you'll need to consider that at 75+km there's actually some additional free O2 showing up.
(on Venus, you can never pass up such an opportunity as to gather whatever H2O, and thereby O2, H2 or whatever else is laying about within or above those clouds, whereas at 150+km the CO2/O2 balance as such has been reported as 50/50).
Being situated above those clouds means that injesting any of that sulphuric acid is no longer an issue. Actual transition time as passing through those sulphuric clouds (perhaps at most 15 km worth) at good SOA is reasonably limited and/or perhaps this is where the flight engineer re-applies a little more of that h2o2/c12h26 cocktail, however, of the composite basalt and of whatever alloy steels and of ceramic coated components of the compressors and power turbine can certainly tolerate a fair amount of such acid and subsequent abrasive erosion (that's just routine maintenance and otherwise to be expected as everyday wear and tear).
As their astronomy mission stabilizes itself on a given course (say situated at 75+km), now the observation dome atop of that 100 meter diameter bow compartment opens some of it's "pod bay doors", permitting a huge window for various astronomy and/or quantum laser packet SETI operations, where such efforts are performed for the next several thousand nighttime hours worth (actually, as long as the cold beer and hot pizza holds out, as they could remain in the dark for as long as the remaining C12H26/H2O2 fuel and CO/O2 fuel/oxidiser last and, speaking of said fuel, that's just about everywhere you'd care to look if you're merely in need of obtaining more CO/O2).
Even though their planetary location in respect to Earth is situated every 18 months within (@0.27 AU) merely 108 times the distance from our moon, as when they can obviously see us plain as day (such as especially during this past October/November 2002 and of the coming June 8th event), however I believe they'd no longer even try as to establish laser communications with us because, I believe they've been trying that aspect ever since our pre-Magellan mission and have so far accomplished absolutely nothing whatsoever (what a total waste of their valuable time and resources, sort of like our looking at our own moon and trying to identify even one shred of those remaining Apollo landing sites or of much worse being of our pathetic search for all those WMD). Perhaps the reason why we can't even see a donkey-cart class WMD is because Saddam stashed all of those plus all of the other much larger WMD on the moon, as in situated right next to any of our crashed landers, whereas we still can't seem to see a damn thing.
Perhaps there's become another darn good reason as why NASA doesn't want the likes of the latest round of Hubble updates to ever transpire, as if that effort yields another ten fold resolution improvement upon the likes of viewing V838, this aspect clearly represents far better than 1 meter resolution capability upon anything situated upon the moon, and they simply can't allow their ruse/sting of the cold-war century (still ongoing) being disclosed by such terrific optical capability.
Besides those Venus astronomy folks grasping a reasonably solid view upon all of our absolute ongoing insanity over those invisible WMD, just as they had previously observed the dumbest thing since flying lizard poop, as they viewed our deranged Earthly humans intentionally flying technologically crude (vastly inferior to anything rigid airship) and crudely fossil fueled no less (those which annually create millions of tonnes worth of toxic as well as global warming CO2) of flying those aircraft and all onboard into some of our best-ever tall buildings, then observed as those pathetic Americans proceeded to bomb the living hell out of just about everything except the actual enemy. After all that fiasco, it was somewhat of an easy and unanimous vote as to entirely ignore Earth because, the entire inhabitance of planet Earth has simply become a lost cause, a biological hazard zone of inferior genetic DNA terraforming mistakes, of becoming the absolute worst sort of cloning by incest, along with ignorance and now overflowing with arrogance running itself amuck, and besides all of that, of just about anything Earth could possibly provide, they've already got one better, including a whole lot of rational intelligence as for surviving within a greenhouse environment, along with full duplex interplanetary SETI laser communications capability to boot, that which we still can't even see because we're so snookered and otherwise dumbfounded that seemingly we don't actually give a damn.
Unfortunately; there's so much more to this phase of reality, such as with regard to so many other energy resources and of exactly what such a massive metro 1200+ meter airship which is made nicely buoyant by a hybrid gas displacements of initially 1/3 h2 and 2/3 n2/o2 and otherwise constructed of numerous basalt composites can deliver. However folks, since most of you are still thoroughly snookered and not likely to having the motivated will nor spare neurons sufficiently outside of the Borg collective as to deal with such existing laws of physics, nor of much other of what I'm thinking, thus go have yourself yet another good long rest at the old-folks home, then remember to crank up your O2 before you check back in another week or so for the "REST OF THE STORY" with regard to the notions of our constructing such a massive shuttle/airship on the moon that intended for a Venus expedition, or as perhaps a entirely constructed aloft at the LSE-CM/ISS, plus learn more about those internal combustion (IRRCE) engines for the likes of managing such upon the moon and/or the likes of Venus environment.