Keeping in mind folks, that it's not been my delivery that's at fault, just a we bit dyslexic sort of difficult/encrypted but otherwise not intentionally skewing the facts nor imposing the impossible. As I've managed to contact more than a sufficient number of qualified individuals (prior to ever going onto the internet), and subsequently of contacting folks that certainly claim to knowing nearly everything there is to know, and of whom understood sufficiently well enough, of exactly what I've been driving at for over 3 years. So, of the institutions of cannibalistic astronomy and astrophysics, as well as their counter parts in planetary geology and of all the associated sciences can't ever stipulate that they weren't informed, nor given every opportunity to have responded in kind with their "all knowing" expertise. Even our crack NIMA has been in on this one from the very get-go. The fact that I haven't given this the sort of polish and infomercial spin as accomplished by the likes of NASA and NOVA productions certainly isn't my fault, as it's been their fault and truly horrific loss upon humanity for their not taking up the challenge and making good on their claims of being so "all knowing" and apparently above the likes of a village idiot as myself and of nearly all others.
For starters, we'd had nearly four decades of perfectly good and capable access to our moon, at least by way of accommodating robotic deployment standards, and of more so capably by way of those javelin probe methods of deploying dozens if not a thousand such micro probes for at least the past couple of decades.
Yet as of to day, there's oddly not one lunar deployment that's interactive, much less offering a packet of information upon essential lunar environments of radiation, thermal temperaments, seismics and/or sub/ultra-acoustical events that must exist, especially since there's a thin sodium atmosphere that's obviously neer the surface, much less of there being anything optical nor even of radar (SAR) imaging worthy. With such probes deployed over a sufficiently wide territory, a full and accurate picture of the lunar environment as well as for the sub-surface and a great deal upon the core would have been known for decades. This makes me wonder about the sheer temperament and supposed honesty of our NASA, as perhaps not being the sort of scientific supportive institution that we'd thought it was, and of certainly not the sort that's been out and about looking for perfectly good ways of giving us (humanity) the most bang for our buck.
Venus has also been technically accessible for interactive probes, and certainly of active satellites for at least the past couple of decades. A satellite instrument/platform as stationed at Venus L2 (VL2) could have been accomplished as of a decade ago, as well as that of our providing a fully communications interactive surface probe or kiosk of interactive instruments has been within our known laws of science and physics, especially if that package were to be deployed into an elevated site, and preferably within the Venus season of nighttime.
The Venus season of nighttime is 2900 hours worth (that's 4+ months).
The planet obviously has had a thermal balance of energy in = energy+ out.
Nighttime thermal environment (surface and near surface) becomes roughly 10% cooler.
The elevated environment offers as much as another 10ºK/km advantage (5 km = 600ºK).
The Venus atmosphere and clouds shield the planet from radiation and most meteorites.
The Venus atmospheric calm density offers a rigid airship buoyancy factor of 65+kg/m3.
Venus structural considerations should have utilized their 91% gravity plus the 65+kg/m3.
The available pressure differential of 4+bar/km gives folks kinetic energy considerations.
Probe deliveries have nearly a hydrodynamic approach, as opposed to the micro thin atmosphere.
Thermal differentials offer electrons by type (K) thermolpile elements of Nichrome and Chromel.
Modern electronics is extremely energy efficient and can be engineered for surviving 750+ºK.
Thermal insulation of R-1024/m from silica and basalt, as in micro balloons is a done deal.
With available energy (GW in the case of Venus), most environments become surmountable.
Extracting H2O from the likes of those relatively cool nighttime clouds is physics-101.
Even for the on-location prospect of converting CO2-->CO/O2 has been a done deal.
The laws of physics hasn't changed nor even modified for accommodating Venus.
Interplanetary communications via laser beam hasn't been impossible.
Utilizing laser beams of 425 nm (+/- 25 nm) in order to penetrate them clouds actually hasn't been a technological challenge for the last decade. Most recently we've had capable laser cannons that are way more than capable of delivering their streams of photons towards Venus, with far more than sufficient energy and spectrum as to diffuse their photons into them relatively cool nighttime clouds, so as to noticeably illuminate such clouds as viewed from below, especially if your eyesight had the benefits of a sensitive nocturnal magnitude 5 advantage over human sight, and into the UV/a spectrum at that.
The laws of physiology and biology haven't excluded other life NOT as we know it, only excluded pathetically arrogant and thereby stupid life such as Earth humans. Otherwise the likes of Darwin certainly wouldn't have excluded other life, nor should we, especially when there's so much discovered that looks as being a whole lot more artificial than not, and of a hundred fold more so than of what's been imaged upon Mars, which only seems more like there's been a concerted effort on NASA's part as for covering this up, as in administering an orchestrated level of "spin" and "damage control", upon officially evading the issues and of recently avoiding the topic of Venus like the plague. It seems as though excluding upon there being other intelligence, which only seems to start off at home, rather than expecting such intelligence from another planet that's perchance only recently become so greenhouse, like Venus where there's surely been adequate motivation to do something about surviving or die trying, which seems more likely than not for involving a great deal of intelligence, of which need not include anything radio.
Now it seems as though, the same levels of avoidance have been imposed at all cost, as for anything Sirius.
Having just recently initiated a primitive notion that only the likes of Sirius could have delivered the sorts of UV illumination, that which could have attributed to the recorded 110,000 year cycle of CO2 levels found to have existed here on Earth. Some reverse engineering seemed to uncover a likely path or orbit of Sirius that would have placed that illuminating resource as close as 0.01 light year from our solar system, as of some 40,000 years ago, and so forth for every 110,000 years prior. Though Sirius/abc being 3.5 times greater mass than our entire solar system might suggest that if the path of Sirius never got itself much closer than 0.1 light year, as such a whole lot more than the orbit of Pluto could have been affected, especially if the 0.01 ly differential was in fact what transpired.
E=MV2 or perhaps it's more correctly expressed as KE = MV2
I've even worked on some spendy notions of our probe or mission to Sirius, especially should our probe or possibly manned mission to Sirius obtain 30,000 km/s (10%ls), and for that accomplishment requiring a rather substantial energy per total m3 amounting to a couple of terawatts as based upon an initial value of estimating 1 w/m3 traveling along at 1 km/s, then using the E=MV2 which roughly extrapolated the required amount of energy required at 30,000 km/s. But that was my suggesting upon a continual pull of gravity from our solar system, and that's simply not the case at all.
If the Sirius/abc mass (of everything including their kitchen sink) were to be 3.5 times that of our entire solar system (again including that kitchen sink), then I believe the L1 of Sirius to be 92%, and of our solar system L2 from our perspective being 8%. Thus once beyond the 8% distance between us and them, roughly 0.7 light years worth, things should either pick up a rather great deal of speed, and/or the amount of energy necessary for sustaining a SOA of 10% light speed should drop to an extrapolation of a mere 1 mw/m3 at 1 km/s, thus the potential two+ terawatt demand of a rather substantial mission utilizing a craft of 2,000 m3 should become at most a couple of gigawatts, which is still way more than a thousand fold greater energy requirement than anything on our books, at least so far, unless we go for entirely thermal nuclear EMPD sort of engine.
Of course, as usual I've stipulated upon the horrific cost and risk factors of anyone going much of anywhere except to our moon (even that's damn risky but there's always a first time for everything), as opposed to the near free and zero risk activity of our accomplishing interplanetary communications, and by utilizing the efficiencies and thereby covering the widest possible number of species and intelligence by our merely accepting the fact that lasers delivering visible photons as well as those of near-UV and even fully UV/a do exist, though of UV/c (200 nm or less) might also help to turn this trick, especially with a somewhat of a "can do" technology driven application of accommodating Sirius.
This is not science fiction, or even science future, nor hardly even rocket science; as for interplanetary communications should have been a done deal, of the norm rather than the exception as of at least a couple of decades ago. The cost certainly can't be the issue, because there isn't hardly any cost as compared to rocket science methods, nor should the required institutional infrastructure of what such efforts might require can't possibly be any factor. That only leaves us with our arrogance and/or ignorance, boosted along with unmitigated "dog wagging" and continually orchestrated "spin" and ongoing "damage control", as being perpetrated much like our cold wars, risking everything by betting the entire farm of humanity that someone we've been really pissing off isn't going to fly some horrifically big aircraft into one of our occupied buildings. Obviously that sort of tactic didn't work itself out so well, at least not on our behalf, as our world now has 10's of thousands of fewer folks (thousands of them being our own kind), plus there's been all of the collateral damage and millions of additional tonnes of CO2 created to boot, plus at least another decade worth of financial as well as scientific setbacks affecting all of humanity, of whom we can only thank our resident warlord and of his numerous partners in crime for this latest fiasco which isn't over by a long shot, at least not as long as Dr. Henry Kissinger, Halburton and ENRON remain in the picture, along with their secret finance partners such as Salem bin Laden and all being run amuck by the likes of GW Bush.
So, you may need to be the one, telling me where the fault(s) reside;
Is it with my poor syntax or favor returning delivery?
Is it because I've been holding back essential information?
Is it the fault of others officially sponsored and charged with such matters?
Is it the fact that I haven't been sufficiently polished by the Borg collective?
Is it the "status quo" doing it's usual thing of protecting a few at the expense of all others?
Is it because of a ruse/sting of ulterior motives and agendas of magnitude not ever seen before?
Is all this just another imagination, a foggy illusion fragment of a certified village idiot?
Are those laws of physics different for the moon, as well as different for Venus than Earth?
Is the lunar environment the sort of "walk in the park" as reported by those Apollo missions?
Isn't the LSE-CM/ISS (Lunar Space Elevator & ISS depot) far more doable than any ESE fiasco?
Isn't the lunar format of VLA-SAR imaging far superior to absolutely anything other on the books?
Isn't 3He or He3 worth going after, at least before other do, and others claim the moon?
Getting somewhat serious about probing and/or calling Sirius/c or Sirius/d.
If there is/was in fact a Sirius/c, and possibly even a Sirius/d, of such a capable planet associated with the likes of the stars Sirius/ab, it seems somewhat conceivable that gravity wise it might be most likely associated with Sirius/a, but never the less, it certainly would have to represent itself as somewhat like our Venus and then some, as in for instance twice or greater size of Venus and loaded with a fairly nifty amount of atmospheric surround.
Of course, Sirius/c may no longer exist, as I seem to recall previously offering a conjecture that our solar system had acquired the likes of another planet that came along with it's moon, where initially this delivery sort of parked itself along side, as our orbiting twin, whereas our mutual gravity of Earth L1 and Venus L2 established the forelay by which Earth's gravity absconded with the Venus moon, and Venus (possibly Sirius/c) lost out, which then enabled it's lesser combined mass to move on and to settle where it is today.
Sirius/c and of it's moon becomes Venus, minus it's moon.
Since our moon is nothing whatsoever like Earth, of not only significantly different density but recently determined as having a thermal nuclear core, and otherwise being rather significantly pulverised, especially when the gravity of Earth should have attracted the vast bulk of those impacts, and being that the notion of any third body associated with the likes of Sirius/ab is at best a tough if not precarious situation, and that it seems somewhat reasonable to conjecture along the lines of this Sirius/abc group coming within 0.01 ly from our solar system (making it's L1 0.0008 ly minus whatever the added alignment boost Sirius/b created), I'm thinking that this engagement may have offered the event horizon by which the alignments of the truly massive density of Sirius/b and that of our larger planets may have given the opportunity of a once in a lifetime shot for Sirius/c to have been discharged from it's original existence, as for being gravity transferred over to our solar system, and almost as though this wasn't necessarily by happenstance, but encouraged by some planned maneuver being assisted along by those electing to take their chances elsewhere, rather than risk another 110,000 years worth of being tortured by two extremely bright suns.
If the present day Sirius L1 is situated a mere 8% (0.7 ly) from us, that's certainly a good sort of thing as for an energy efficient probe making it headway of 10%ls SOA, especially if initially we can devise upon a 10 m3 probe, rather than the 2000 m3 manned spacecraft, then lo and behold we're down to 10 GW on our way towards Sirius L1, but once past this mutual gravity-well or null point of NO return, from that point on the probe could either coast along at nearly zero thrust. Perhaps the necessary thrust to overcome the free space environment of supposedly as little as 6e6 hydrogen atoms/m3 isn't all there is, as there's also a few too many other heavier atoms, so if were to utilize the theory of there being an equivalent of 6e9 hydrogen atoms/m3, as the probe manages to sustain itself at 10%ls while being pulled towards Sirius, the energy demand is going to drop down to as little as 10 MW. After all, if the friction of pushing this 10 m3 through those 6e9/m3 of atoms at the rate of 30,000 km/s (a probe of 2:1 L:D ratio) amounts to an impact zone of 360e6 m3/s of debris impacts per second, that's only impacting 360e15 atoms/sec but otherwise having to displace the 1800e15 atoms/sec. If 6e23 atoms = 1 gram, then I believe we have arrived at an amount of 3.03e-6 gram/s.
Here's another analogy of if we're talking about our 10 m3 probe smashing itself through 1.8e18 atoms/sec, as the speed of 30,000 km/sec.
And if I understand correctly that 6e23 atoms of hydrogen = 1 gram
If the rewuired energy in joules is KE = .5 M * V2
If the V2 of making a SOA of 30,000 km/s = 900e12
900e12 * 0.1515e-5 = 1.364e9 or a KE of 1364 million joules (1.36 GJ)
At least so far that's obviously not accounting for impacting any of those 0.002 gram dust-bunnies, as each one of those suckers would impact this probe at a worth of merely 900e9 joules, which should pretty much wipe out any such probe, as in vaporising a physical shield made of any basalt and ceramics composite plus diamond. Thus it seems our little 10%ls probe well be much in need of a magnetosphere, or of some other defensive force of repulsion, much like what those interfering craft that our NASA tether experiment clearly captured as UV spectrum surrounded craft, making there way throughout our experiment zone, and otherwise of several others captured on video that were at great distance but obviously going at somewhat terrific speed.
As long as the bulk of those atoms were of hydrogen, and not comprised of something considerably heavier, and the frontal portion of the probe was of the utmost dense ceramics and/or diamond matrix, as this spendy probe might actually survive the gauntlet of what's out there, though somehow I really don't think so, as humanity has so far never been so lucky. As for certain , of once we arrived at 10% or greater light speed, the more important and technological taxing issue might become that of slowing down once we've arrived at the destination that become 3.5 times greater gravitational pull than our solar system. Certainly the notion of implementing a full blown nuclear EMPD as breaking seems the only viable alternative to otherwise becoming another fuel pellet for the likes of Sirius/b or Sirius/a.
Of course, as I've touted dozens of times before, I'll remind folks of using a laser cannons of suitable spectrum that's significantly different than our solar outflux, as this method would be extremely dirt cheap, and never once dropping below light speed at that.
Analogy being; of exactly as though someone placed a 12" black dot on an otherwise all white art board, and displayed said dot at a good distance of one mile from your vantage point, there's a reasonably darn good chance that you could identify it. Though if that same dot were to be white (same spectrum as art board), chances are that you couldn't identify it, not even with instruments, and even if it were 10 yards away. In other words, you transmit a laser packet of some spectrum that's sufficiently different that what's contained in our solar spectrum. In other words, of what's below 200 nm is nearly zilch worth of solar photons, yet we've had a capability of creating a laser beam of sub 200 nm, and of focusing that down to 0.05 milliradian.
Obviously of any 200 nm photons are not going to penetrate all that much, so that our transmitting laser cannon should be either the Boeing/TRW Phantom Works ABL or of best having a robotic lunar placement. The Sirius observer and/or detection on the receiving end of our packets, of some 8.65 years from now, will need to be that of something in orbit or at least cruising above their clouds, and as preferable as above their nighttime clouds rather than having to be scorched as well as irradiated to death by either of two respectfully nasty suns.
Naturally, any soul on Earth that's in favor of doing this long distance laser calling, as in placing a simplex message of perhaps quantum binary packet having a throughput of at least a terabyte per second, though there's no technological reason why that can't become a terabyte per millisecond, as a frequency modulated element carried along with the 1 bps CW packets. Thus we've covered the receiving baud rates from 1 bps to 1000 terabytes/sec all in one operation, and at 200 nm at that, although there remains no given rule against including other spectrums.
Calling Venus;
If you're perchance the sort of individual that's more interested in the truly viable prospects of our achieving interplanetary communications, as for that relatively simple and efficient quest I've added lots of notions, if not a little too much, into this following page;
Here's the latest deliveries upon what other is new, and of what's certainly hot, as offering a bit more than you may need to know of what my three brain cells can deliver on behalf of Sirius lizard folk terraforming the likes of Mars, Earth and Venus.