The township of "GUTH Venus" is here to stay, perhaps just to aggravate the "space time continuum".
Images acquired of Venus are those just as of Earth, except that those of Earth are offering millions of sufficiently detailed satellite radar images containing symmetrically structured items, oddly some of which have been looking exactly like what's on Venus, such as those tiems at GUTH Venus that are so functionally arranged into various community like infrastructures. There has been nothing whatsoever of this observational magnitude that's been otherwise recorded that's representing itself as being naturally formed (at least not of anything by Earthly standards, or of the moon nor of Mars criteria). Obviously, I've only uncovered three such locations of interest but, even by the one primary site (as above) seems to have become worth a million words and, to that extent I think I'm getting close.
As on Earth, of what Venus could be reveling is merely good evidence of their past civilization (somewhat like reveling those frozen-in-time irradiated Mars trees), however in this instance Venus is showing us their remains of what was a rather substantial pre-greenhouse existence, inclusive of fairly massive as well as complex structures, of bridges, causeways, of interconnected reservoirs, airships and their hangars or horizontal silos, even showing us the remains of a considerable tarmac facility left with notable equipment on deck, plus there's many other community attributes, as hardly any of this is representing anything that's ever been recorded as formed by tectonics, nor lava or whatever erosion on steroids.
Since biological as well as intellectual evolution is simply not something limited by any God that I know of, as to Earth and only Earth and, there was obviously more than sufficient time for Venus to have evolved from a warm 300°K to it's present day 720°K (at least 420 years to perhaps 4200 years worth of transition timeline), thereby whatever life and obviously a whole lot of thermally motivated intelligence, perhaps NOT as we know it, could be still plugging away. Sorry folks but, that's ET "life NOT as we know it", that I believe is still existing on Venus in spite of it being so hot and nasty, so put that in your pipe and smoke it.
BTW; we can most certainly safely goto Venus L2 (VL2), by way of establishing a communications platform at VL2. At least robotically there's been nothing stopping us except that of our own stupidity and subsequent arrogance. Sending something like ISS off to VL2 is being a wee bit testy, but I believe also doable. I've even run off some information that's becoming somewhat believable about the likely radiation environment at VL2, such as 6^2 Sv/y (solar minimum) and, 6^3 Sv/y for solar maximum, which is certainly radiation hot and nasty but not entirely excluding what a sufficiently shielded ISS and of it's crew station-keeping for the 18 month cycle is capable of accomplishing. Of course a robotic TRACE-II would more than suffice, risking no life and not costing a fraction of a percent of our modifying, outfitting and supporting what it would take to deliver and sustain ISS at VL2.
Venus atmosphere;
Identified of Venus, there's been a recorded gradient of O2/CO2 that's roughly 50/50 at the altitude of 150 km and, since the Venus season of nighttime is somewhat cooler (especially in them there hills), thus all of the atmospheric factors are cooler, and those clouds are of somewhat lesser elevation. In other words; it's simply not always as roasty/toasty hot as NASA and their cult followings of wizard Borgs are letting you believe. In fact, just below those nighttime clouds (say 35+km, maximum 45 km) the temperature outside your rigid airship cabin could actually drop below 300K along with perhaps some of that nice acid rain to contend with, whereas below 25 km there's not a likely drop of acid rain and the weather is actually quite calm, especially during their season of night.
Those acidic clouds of Venus just so happen to contain mega tonnes of H2O, as being held more than buoyant atop their otherwise crystal clear ocean of CO2. Such electrolytic clouds just so happen to also perform nicely as solar flare/cosmic radiation shielding, supplementing along with what the thick and dense CO2 blocks and subsequently allowing life forms that would otherwise be sensitive to radiation to evolve and thus survive in spite of their being hot.
In case you haven't heard, there's recorded life existing on Earth that lives quite nicely on extremely little or darn near no O2 and, Venus nighttime offers perhaps 0.1% O2 at 5+km, that's which is nicely compressed at 75 Bar and possibly 625K. That's obviously still too damn hot and perhaps insufficient O2 for naked humans (but not necessarily so for lizard folk). And, of what's considered hot and nasty to you and myself is quite simply not going to be so hot for lizard folk on Venus.Conduction mode thermal insulation;
Affording insulation against thermal conduction considerations is I believe nicely resolved by utilizing small/micro spheres containing H2 at 1 bar, with the remainder of space within the thermal barrier or garmet occupied by N2 at whatever the ambient pressure. Obtaining R-256 (a mere 0.4% or lesser thermal transfer coefficient) should not technically impose any insurmountable problems, especially for those getting a little too hot under their collar or of their exoskeletal platelet scales, or of whatever else works according to Darwin.
We have long since developed suitable thermal protective materials (silica and ceramics and even fabrics of such) as for creating thermal body suits that'll protect workers from molten glass and steel and, there's sufficient technology that could even briefly sustain our frail life in such a toasty environment, where obviously we have little if any incentives as for our doing such. So, I'll suppose that if you had a good enough buildup of "greenhouse" motivation, one smart lizard sort might have actually applied some talent and effort as towards staying alive by staying cool. Perhaps we need to re-think about improving our astronaut suits before the next shuttle infernal mission because, if the nose cone can survive, the data recorder survives and those worms survive, then surely adequate thermal life suites for astronauts are worth exploring.
Just because we Earth humans have become all too arrogant, as well as too freaking stupid and apparently in the last 13+ years have become blind as well, this level of disfunction doesn't mean that others which successfully adapted to a truly bad situation aren't a whole lot smarter about their surviving (without radio at that).
I've learned that there's all sorts of energy as for coping with heat, that which can be quite easily derived via the 4+bar/km vertical differential through applied vertical kinetics. Actually, there's quite a bit to be had, like 1000 fold more than anything Earth and, it's continuously there to utilize (as in green renewable energy), as to extract whenever and of whatever mega watts on demand.Air conditioning (refrigeration) can efficiently extract Venus Thermal Units VTU's, irregardless of the surrounding environment, short of that environment being thermonuclear) especially when formulated upon compressed CO2 gas (gee whiz folks, I wonder where on Venus one could come possibly up with a little CO2). There are any number of alloys well suited to higher thermal stress and thus heat exchanging becomes another done deal. Open circuit or simple cycle thermodynamics is obviously another significant refrigeration advantage. Always remember, there's absolutely no corrosion issues related and damn little oxidisation to anything that's operating within that toasty hot CO2 environment and, don't ever forget about the R-256 insulation potential, by which not all that much energy will be needed once the desired thermal differential is established.
Secondary thermal differentials created from processing CO2-->CO/O2 and of creating air conditioning differentials, offering perhaps as much as 1000°C can also deliver fairly good electron flow from robust thermolpile generators. There are a number of opposing metallic alloys (type K or E) that are capable of producing a flow of electrons from such terrific heat differentials.
Solar IR/UV collectors (parabolic concentrators), if sufficient in size (such as 300 meters diameter) can deliver Sterling type energy conversions as directly into electro/mechanical output. Sterling engines can be internally hydrogen based or of nearly eny compressable substance you can think of.
CO2 can also be (as I've been informed) converted; CO2-->CO/O2 is not the least bit of complication nor energy demand as would here on Earth or of much worse yet on Mars. First of all, Venus CO2 is already sufficiently thick or dense and, it's already preheated toasty hot. Another avenue that comes along by further compressing CO2 is to then directly excite a relatively small portion of that CO2, as in xenon illumination may be all it takes for achieving a usable combustion. Of course, a controlled mixture of CO and O2 would certainly offer the best thrust per kg/sec, especially if there were a little H2O2 in storage.
Illumination via CO2/xenon format is obviously another done deal, as the illumination gas is already above the necessary pressure and at a darn good ignition temperature, where all one needs is but a few electrons which are fairly easy to come by, biologically as well as artificially generated, as in lizard made electrons. We're not talking about big electrode gaps, just itsy bitsy 0.1mm would more than suffice quite nicely for whatever nocturnal personal illumination needs, unless of course you actually wanted to transmit some of the local smut towards Earth, as then a seriously big 100mm gap might do the trick, with lumens to spare. Of course, someone from Earth would have to be looking at the Venus nighttime, which has unfortunately become difficult lately, ever since NASA has proclaimed Venus having been banished from the heavens (team TRACE can't seem to locate Venus, or if even they could they've stipulated that TRACE simply can't track upon it, and otherwise Hubble is entirely useless).
There's no question that the season of nighttime as well as for being elevated is representing a fairly narrow spectrum for surviving, thus as nocturnal forms of life on Earth have evolved having nightvision of a magnitude 5 better than humans, why should that not be the case for Venus. With having such a nightvision advantage as being a likely genetic part of Venus evolution, one messily watt of xenon class illumination would become something downright intense. Remember that Venus nighttime is sufficiently pitch black but, otherwise it's clear as a bell (no fog, no haze, little if any dust, nearly the most ideal surface existence illumination conditions, other than it's nearly always too damn humanly hot).
Within such a terrifically thick/dense atmosphere (darn near hydrodynamic) Global communications can effectively utilize ultrasonic as well as VLF, LF, MF and SW radio frequencies, though any of which vastly more efficient than anything Earth, like less than 1% of the energy applied as here on Earth, as there's certainly little to absorb RF and otherwise there's everything that's needed to ideally reflect/propagate and thereby contain whatever RF below those electrolytic clouds and thereby sustaining communications all about their globe. Although there's certainly nothing radio essential that's imperative about anything that's been discovered to date.
Acquiring H2O from those cool nighttime clouds is perhaps next to impossible for our impudent technology and much lesser intellectual level but, obviously not so for those lizardkind having all "the right stuff", as well as a darn good sense of moral motivation and of the superior technology as provided by rigid airships. Like right here on Earth, our impudent airship technology and vacuum distillation process is hardly rocket science, nor is it requiring of anything radio and, on Venus that process of obtaining a good deal of vacuum and of whatever process heat needed to boil and subsequently cool in order to collect the H2O are both relatively free, just as free as their vertically green CO2 kinetic wind-energy.
Safe surface storage of H2O wouldn't take but a portion of adding one atmosphere (1.5 atmosphere ott to do the trick). In the form of H2O2, that nifty solution is stable at much higher temperatures and otherwise perhaps taking but 1/10 added atmospheric pressure in order to remain safely stored H2O2 at 725+K, whereas 625K is not even a pressurized requirement. My question is; why on Venus would you NOT bother to convert and store whatever H2O as in the formula of H2O2?
Airship buoyancy; H2 = 64+ kg/m3 and N2 = 26 kg/m3 (both becoming greater at nighttime), that's not even counting their 91% SG factor which only further improves upon whatever lifting capacity by another factor of 1.099:1 as compared to the weight of whatever materials their airships are constructed of and/or carrying onboard. Do the math on what a 21^6 m3 airship has to offer and, do further consider that a good number of opponents think my measurements are way too conservative, in which case work with 30^6 m3 or perhaps even 50^6 m3.
Obviously you do not have to carry along any significant amounts of fuel onboard your rigid airship if you're utilizing CO2-->CO/O2. Even so, I'm thinking there's a chance that H2O2 and C12H26 (or whatever) could be implemented as start-up as well as for extreme altitude supplements, so as to most quickly penetrate those acidic clouds and permit nighttime cruising just above such clouds, which might not be all that elevated due to their extended nighttime cooling. Daytime cloud tops of 60+km could drop to 40 km and even slightly clear in limited spots altogether under ideal nighttime conditions. Thus entirely unlike our moon, where stars and especially a vibrant Earth could be easily seen from the surface of select territories, easiest viewed from above the clouds but also from Istar Terra which resides at 10+km and otherwise certainly possible as from GUTH Venus that's at 5+km.
There's been absolutely nothing new introduced on this page that's not otherwise contained in greater detail on many other pages. However, rather than confuse the audience with all of the possibilities and of all of what's there to behold, I thought a simplified summary page of at least a few positive considerations was worth another go around. Of course, none of this Venus thing is all that costly to further research and/or to eventually do something about (unfortunately, as far as our NASA's concerned and their external bodies of pretentious astronomy and astrophysics types, it seems Venus no longer exist as a planet). In spite of NASA, not even my proposed VL2 communications relay platform is all that complex, comprised of a basic gun barrel sort of optical telescope of relatively low magnification that would effectively exclude the 5% solar intrusion and focus solely upon the dark side of the planet, as I'm not looking for all that much resolution but as for receiving whatever visual (xenon beam packets) forms of communications and then perhaps our transferring that into the inefficient format of microwave transmissions to/from Earth, that plus a relatively low power pair of laser beam packet transmitters that could help our teams communicate (share intellectual smut) with whomever is on the deck or perhaps riding that metro Venus airship flying just above those nighttime clouds.
Obviously another Magellan-II with shuttle class SAR imaging performance, that which should deliver well below 1 meter raw resolution (this time at 16 bit), would obviously be costly and time consuming (right about now the US can't afford jack and we're otherwise too busy bombing the holy crap out those Islamic/Muslim mountains and deserts at sometimes 50 million bucks a pop), as compared to our simply asking those of Venus for copies of their geological maps and such. Relocating the ISS to VL2 would certainly be somewhat over-kill but, what the heck do we have to lose. We certainly don't need ISS for spying upon Earth, it's getting way too expensive to refuel and supply beer and pizza to, obviously a little too dangerous for the to/from aspects and, there's way too much solar flare exposure potential as well as space debris involved. Whereas VL2 is 95% shielded from the sun, there's obviously much lesser debris floating about, the energy demands to sustain the VL2 position could certainly become a small fraction of what it's taking to sustain itself about Earth. Last but not the least of all, there's plenty of filthy rich ENRON, WorldCom and X-Andersen folks for crew, perhaps even a few Catholic priest and I'll bet even Martha Stewart would volunteer, all of which might gladly pay their own way for the opportunity of being out of town before their criminal trials get underway. Come to think of it, bin Laden and Saddam might even go for this option or, how about the Pope, as an extended sabbatical for either or all of these nice folks. So, I've solved the ISS crew funding along with profits to boot.
OOPS! I forgot to mention a slight travel liability consideration, of which some travel insurance might not cover, that being; along the way of getting yourself to VL2, everyone on board will be thoroughly radiated to death, unless someone can manage to guide ISS behind a seriously big space rock, preferably one that's already headed towards VL2. Once situated on location (VL2), Venus itself becomes the "big space rock" that's shielding the vast majority (90+%) of solar flare radiation from reaching the ISS.
Try to understand; besides the 13 year belated aspects of anyone actually looking at those Magellan images of Venus, this discovery is seriously become another 2+years past due and, it's getting older by the day, meanwhile we're wasting our time, our best talents and resources with such endeavors as to obtaining those potentially lethal as well as radiation proof microbes and/or massive anti-freeze worms from Mars and, there's yet another nutbag besides myself that actually wants to go to Pluto because, he thinks the taxpayers (that's you) are absolute morron idiots and willing to blow another decade plus whatever budget (multiply whatever they say by at least a factor of 10). Remembering that all toll, Apollo has cost America and the entire world at least a trillion and there's still no end in sight, that's not to mention the hundreds of millions of those costly reference and science/astronomy textbooks that'll need to be recalled and their spendy replacements redistributed throughout the entire world. At least that's one darn good way of our NASA getting itself back into the "Best Seller" list.
Of course, if you insist upon suckling from the other side of this argument, certainly for that you only need to goto NASA's archives or any number of NASA moderated sites, where you'll discover only the utmost negative considerations for life anywhere but Earth. For anything the least bit positive, for that aspect you'll have to goto ESA's "Venus Express" and/or how about trusting my observational instincts that have been subsequently reinforced by the research of others, at least until you have further information that disproves my research and, by the way, if you should actually come across anything that sufficiently excludes what I'm interpreting as being artificial, then please offer that onto NASA as well as myself, as so far I've received nothing whatsoever that's conclusive as to what's seen as for being most likely artificial as being anything other. If you can spare the time, I also have a small Apollo shopping list, one that the entire world would as well as the Senate Appropriations committees and probably even a few in Congress would like to see.
If you should care to re-interpret what's captured within the above image, or perhaps from an even better photo software enlargement of your own, please feel free as to doing so, as I'll post credits and a link over to your web page, even if your efforts are to entirely counter my research. Oddly, my opposition, comprised mostly of flak tossing Borgs of "spin" and "damage control" moles, has apparently not been able to accommodate such results on their own, or perhaps their lacking abilities, whatever expertise or true agenda is simply not as they claim (acting somewhat like Shakespeare or possibly Martha Stewart and don't forget Microsoft and all of the other wonderfull examples of our cold-war greedy American ingenuity that brought us such warm and fuzzy memories as 9/11).